NP20 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP20 5 is a postcode sector in Newport, UK. Below is a complete list of NP20 5 Postcodes (Active). NP20 5 postcode sector comprises of 206 active postcodes. NP20 5 sector has a population of 9495, and it has 4274 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP20 5 postcode sector

NP20 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9495
Addresses / Property Count 4274
Active Postcodes 206
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of NP20 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 206 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP20 5NL 51.60262100 -2.99364200 20 43 331279 189777
NP20 5NN 51.59953300 -2.99627500 6 25 331092 189436
NP20 5NQ 51.59884600 -2.99451300 N/A N/A 331213 189358
NP20 5NR 51.59996400 -2.99310800 60 129 331312 189481
NP20 5NS 51.59992300 -2.99500400 N/A N/A 331181 189478
NP20 5NT 51.60336000 -2.99162900 N/A N/A 331420 189857
NP20 5PA 51.59766400 -2.99929500 15 25 330880 189231
NP20 5PB 51.59816000 -3.00014300 18 28 330822 189287
NP20 5PE 51.59822400 -3.00218000 49 94 330681 189296
NP20 5PF 51.59921600 -3.00308900 35 69 330620 189407
NP20 5PG 51.59917700 -3.00214300 33 70 330685 189402
NP20 5PH 51.59857200 -3.00142300 31 65 330734 189334
NP20 5PJ 51.59921900 -3.00145100 41 99 330733 189406
NP20 5PL 51.60032700 -3.00224100 30 72 330680 189530
NP20 5PN 51.60080200 -3.00353600 23 54 330591 189584
NP20 5PP 51.60185700 -3.00523500 19 49 330475 189703
NP20 5PQ 51.60128600 -3.00265200 16 38 330653 189637
NP20 5PR 51.60187800 -3.00175500 32 66 330716 189702
NP20 5PS 51.60357400 -3.00842000 14 32 330257 189897
NP20 5PU 51.60357500 -3.00935900 35 77 330192 189898
NP20 5PW 51.60348500 -3.01045400 12 36 330116 189889
NP20 5PX 51.60434700 -3.01058900 22 86 330108 189985
NP20 5PY 51.60303000 -3.01105100 25 37 330074 189839
NP20 5PZ 51.60155300 -3.01127800 1 1 330056 189675
NP20 5QA 51.60236000 -3.01057400 25 51 330106 189764
NP20 5QB 51.60267500 -3.00944000 36 72 330185 189798
NP20 5QD 51.60035100 -3.00180000 N/A N/A 330711 189532
NP20 5QE 51.60147800 -3.00954300 53 61 330176 189665
NP20 5QF 51.60396800 -2.99703600 16 42 331046 189930
NP20 5QG 51.60290100 -2.99772000 18 50 330997 189812
NP20 5QH 51.60429600 -2.99965700 43 102 330865 189969
NP20 5QJ 51.60429800 -3.00053800 38 112 330804 189970
NP20 5QL 51.60473900 -3.00262700 45 99 330660 190021
NP20 5QN 51.60393000 -2.99938900 17 38 330883 189928
NP20 5QP 51.60633900 -2.99944200 38 75 330883 190196
NP20 5QQ 51.60575500 -3.00044000 25 47 330813 190132
NP20 5QR 51.60536100 -3.00139900 39 68 330746 190089
NP20 5QS 51.60676000 -2.99962400 25 54 330871 190243
NP20 5QT 51.60790000 -2.99879800 24 44 330930 190369
NP20 5QU 51.60560800 -2.99769300 24 65 331003 190113
NP20 5QW 51.60421600 -2.99747500 18 43 331016 189958
NP20 5QX 51.60288700 -2.99829800 8 21 330957 189811
NP20 5QY 51.60196400 -2.99898500 19 36 330908 189709
NP20 5QZ 51.59912000 -3.00064700 2 6 330789 189394
NP20 5RA 51.60052300 -3.00029600 45 94 330815 189550
NP20 5RB 51.60180100 -3.00019400 42 94 330824 189692
NP20 5RD 51.60026500 -3.00107000 23 42 330761 189522
NP20 5RE 51.60079900 -3.00173200 32 70 330716 189582
NP20 5RR 51.59681300 -2.99465600 N/A N/A 331200 189132
NP20 5RY 51.60177000 -2.99854700 17 40 330938 189687
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