NR8 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NR8 6 is a postcode sector in Broadland, UK. Below is a complete list of NR8 6 Postcodes (Active). NR8 6 postcode sector comprises of 345 active postcodes. NR8 6 sector has a population of 15865, and it has 6467 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NR8 6 postcode sector

NR8 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 15865
Addresses / Property Count 6467
Active Postcodes 345
Nearby Postcode Districts 35
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

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showing 100-150 of 345 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NR8 6GP 52.68890200 1.20442000 17 53 616666 314953
NR8 6GQ 52.68639700 1.20326000 36 103 616600 314671
NR8 6GR 52.68948400 1.20250900 34 84 616534 315012
NR8 6GS 52.68984800 1.18963500 N/A N/A 615662 315014
NR8 6GU 52.68992900 1.22128000 20 59 617800 315118
NR8 6GW 52.68827800 1.19422200 20 54 615980 314853
NR8 6GX 52.69046800 1.22024400 27 48 617727 315175
NR8 6GY 52.68935900 1.21972800 22 61 617698 315050
NR8 6GZ 52.68947200 1.22055000 39 119 617753 315065
NR8 6HA 52.67499400 1.22247300 13 35 617955 313461
NR8 6HB 52.67378700 1.21892200 4 67 617721 313316
NR8 6HD 52.67010500 1.21340000 4 10 617366 312890
NR8 6HE 52.67587600 1.23759100 54 89 618972 313605
NR8 6HF 52.68044000 1.15544800 N/A N/A 613398 313866
NR8 6HG 52.68633200 1.21960900 4 13 617705 314713
NR8 6HH 52.67722400 1.24061500 5 15 619170 313764
NR8 6HJ 52.68658200 1.21998200 5 10 617729 314742
NR8 6HL 52.69172100 1.20159300 4 8 616461 315258
NR8 6HN 52.68570700 1.18818800 4 7 615585 314549
NR8 6HP 52.68728800 1.18857000 3 32 615603 314726
NR8 6HQ 52.68969200 1.21242600 10 26 617203 315065
NR8 6HR 52.69140900 1.18448900 6 14 615307 315172
NR8 6HS 52.69593400 1.17943000 3 6 614943 315660
NR8 6HT 52.69342700 1.19165700 6 13 615781 315418
NR8 6HU 52.68066400 1.18206400 3 17 615196 313970
NR8 6HW 52.68443700 1.18424800 16 32 615325 314396
NR8 6HX 52.67644700 1.17594800 5 14 614803 313483
NR8 6HY 52.68315500 1.17867000 2 2 614954 314237
NR8 6HZ 52.68328200 1.21202900 17 47 617208 314351
NR8 6JA 52.68305500 1.15585800 14 39 613413 314158
NR8 6JB 52.68042100 1.16362400 3 9 613951 313888
NR8 6JD 52.68441300 1.15416600 2 4 613292 314304
NR8 6JF 52.68082500 1.16527200 2 8 614060 313938
NR8 6JG 52.68411300 1.16673800 8 22 614143 314308
NR8 6JH 52.68111800 1.15738500 2 6 613526 313947
NR8 6JJ 52.68268600 1.15349400 2 10 613255 314110
NR8 6JL 52.68273600 1.13804800 2 6 612211 314070
NR8 6JN 52.66892600 1.20809600 N/A N/A 617013 312743
NR8 6JP 52.68019700 1.19542200 11 35 616101 313958
NR8 6JQ 52.67233800 1.23212100 N/A N/A 618620 313195
NR8 6JR 52.68148900 1.19618200 9 20 616146 314104
NR8 6JS 52.68264100 1.19681400 16 33 616183 314234
NR8 6JT 52.68351800 1.19732200 8 19 616213 314333
NR8 6JU 52.68484100 1.19727100 10 19 616203 314480
NR8 6JW 52.68786000 1.14966400 2 2 612971 314674
NR8 6JX 52.68115700 1.19214800 63 141 615875 314055
NR8 6JY 52.68275700 1.18918700 16 40 615667 314224
NR8 6JZ 52.68242800 1.19107100 15 29 615796 314193
NR8 6LA 52.68222200 1.19434200 29 49 616018 314180
NR8 6LB 52.68353300 1.19511800 7 19 616064 314328
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