NR8 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NR8 6 is a postcode sector in Broadland, UK. Below is a complete list of NR8 6 Postcodes (Active). NR8 6 postcode sector comprises of 345 active postcodes. NR8 6 sector has a population of 15865, and it has 6467 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NR8 6 postcode sector

NR8 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 15865
Addresses / Property Count 6467
Active Postcodes 345
Nearby Postcode Districts 35
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

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showing 250-300 of 345 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NR8 6SH 52.67653700 1.20506800 9 23 616771 313580
NR8 6SJ 52.67661200 1.20625700 9 18 616851 313592
NR8 6SL 52.67639300 1.21137600 81 227 617198 313583
NR8 6SN 52.67719800 1.20721800 13 28 616913 313660
NR8 6SP 52.67729200 1.20672100 9 21 616879 313669
NR8 6SQ 52.67669800 1.20806900 9 23 616973 313607
NR8 6SR 52.67753200 1.20616200 10 28 616840 313694
NR8 6SS 52.67760800 1.20569400 11 30 616808 313701
NR8 6ST 52.67797100 1.20524700 8 19 616776 313740
NR8 6SU 52.67673300 1.20280400 14 30 616617 313595
NR8 6SW 52.67696000 1.20406300 5 19 616701 313624
NR8 6SX 52.67845600 1.19960100 18 34 616392 313777
NR8 6SY 52.67889500 1.19562800 5 10 616121 313814
NR8 6SZ 52.68452600 1.18962600 13 34 615688 314422
NR8 6TA 52.67830200 1.19196900 7 17 615877 313737
NR8 6TB 52.67972800 1.18839400 2 5 615628 313885
NR8 6TD 52.68022100 1.19418100 6 21 616017 313957
NR8 6TE 52.68045500 1.19083900 38 84 615790 313973
NR8 6TF 52.68588000 1.19142700 58 161 615803 314578
NR8 6TG 52.68249300 1.18829400 21 48 615608 314192
NR8 6TH 52.68370000 1.18584200 3 8 615436 314319
NR8 6TJ 52.68399000 1.18683500 10 23 615502 314354
NR8 6TL 52.68459200 1.18785500 12 33 615568 314424
NR8 6TN 52.68290700 1.19324200 5 7 615940 314253
NR8 6TP 52.68359000 1.19063800 6 10 615761 314321
NR8 6TQ 52.67619300 1.20912700 10 20 617047 313554
NR8 6TR 52.68290500 1.19203900 48 134 615859 314249
NR8 6TS 52.68565400 1.18979700 8 23 615694 314548
NR8 6TT 52.68245600 1.21331500 23 57 617299 314263
NR8 6TU 52.67816100 1.21615100 9 25 617512 313794
NR8 6TW 52.68320400 1.18995900 9 19 615717 314276
NR8 6TX 52.67758500 1.21118200 45 101 617179 313715
NR8 6TY 52.68556800 1.18868100 10 30 615619 314535
NR8 6TZ 52.67779700 1.21432000 32 93 617390 313748
NR8 6UA 52.67872900 1.21110300 50 124 617168 313842
NR8 6UB 52.67838600 1.21150700 25 66 617197 313805
NR8 6UD 52.68463700 1.21079700 14 40 617118 314498
NR8 6UE 52.68535600 1.20984300 16 39 617050 314575
NR8 6UF 52.68413500 1.21137200 21 57 617159 314444
NR8 6UG 52.68504800 1.20859200 63 117 616967 314537
NR8 6UH 52.68466000 1.20730600 20 40 616882 314490
NR8 6UJ 52.68457200 1.20823200 12 13 616945 314483
NR8 6UL 52.68546300 1.20887400 19 29 616984 314584
NR8 6UN 52.68591600 1.20809400 38 80 616929 314632
NR8 6UP 52.68350200 1.21287400 8 23 617264 314378
NR8 6UQ 52.68434700 1.20855600 11 24 616968 314459
NR8 6UR 52.68678400 1.20758000 38 98 616890 314727
NR8 6US 52.67599700 1.21204200 4 13 617245 313541
NR8 6UT 52.68674000 1.21383700 39 82 617313 314741
NR8 6UU 52.68642100 1.21433200 45 125 617348 314707
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