PE28 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE28 9 is a postcode sector in Huntingdonshire, UK. Below is a complete list of PE28 9 Postcodes (Active). PE28 9 postcode sector comprises of 190 active postcodes. PE28 9 sector has a population of 6455, and it has 2711 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE28 9 postcode sector

PE28 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6455
Addresses / Property Count 2711
Active Postcodes 190
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of PE28 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 190 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE28 9JQ 52.30031600 -0.07050900 50 123 531667 268663
PE28 9JR 52.30169700 -0.06603900 9 16 531968 268825
PE28 9JS 52.30143300 -0.06417400 2 4 532096 268799
PE28 9JT 52.30255100 -0.06586500 20 46 531977 268920
PE28 9JU 52.29910900 -0.06925600 10 14 531756 268531
PE28 9JW 52.30079900 -0.06705600 16 41 531901 268723
PE28 9JX 52.29857800 -0.07032000 25 51 531685 268470
PE28 9JY 52.29892300 -0.07108200 9 18 531632 268507
PE28 9JZ 52.29771100 -0.07010800 18 45 531702 268374
PE28 9LA 52.29703800 -0.06796700 5 12 531850 268303
PE28 9LB 52.29683700 -0.06905200 14 35 531777 268279
PE28 9LD 52.29816400 -0.06813800 6 20 531835 268428
PE28 9LE 52.29868800 -0.06663400 27 73 531936 268489
PE28 9LF 52.29755200 -0.06696200 30 63 531917 268362
PE28 9LH 52.29795600 -0.07314000 3 8 531495 268396
PE28 9LJ 52.29674000 -0.07673500 16 47 531253 268254
PE28 9LL 52.29497900 -0.07898200 32 77 531105 268054
PE28 9LN 52.29704500 -0.06457900 27 73 532081 268310
PE28 9LP 52.29854600 -0.06068600 74 184 532342 268484
PE28 9LQ 52.29836800 -0.07233800 13 25 531548 268443
PE28 9LR 52.29654200 -0.06407300 21 39 532117 268255
PE28 9LS 52.29664700 -0.06719200 25 63 531904 268261
PE28 9LT 52.29624500 -0.06294200 42 96 532195 268224
PE28 9LU 52.29711300 -0.06598400 11 28 531985 268315
PE28 9LW 52.29998300 -0.06170800 64 145 532268 268642
PE28 9LX 52.29794400 -0.06238400 25 53 532228 268414
PE28 9LY 52.29781300 -0.06372400 37 79 532137 268397
PE28 9LZ 52.29827300 -0.06505900 54 111 532045 268446
PE28 9NA 52.28058300 -0.10509800 19 52 529366 266406
PE28 9NB 52.27826700 -0.10724200 13 27 529227 266145
PE28 9ND 52.27979900 -0.10725800 8 24 529221 266315
PE28 9NE 52.28085600 -0.10870800 8 24 529119 266430
PE28 9NF 52.28137800 -0.11153000 2 4 528925 266483
PE28 9NG 52.27955600 -0.11229600 51 121 528878 266279
PE28 9NH 52.27866800 -0.11075100 29 71 528986 266183
PE28 9NJ 52.27684800 -0.11131900 19 46 528953 265980
PE28 9NL 52.28366000 -0.11031800 6 17 529001 266739
PE28 9NN 52.28204700 -0.11345100 7 14 528792 266554
PE28 9NP 52.28300300 -0.11197400 11 17 528890 266663
PE28 9NQ 52.27069500 -0.11427000 2 4 528769 265290
PE28 9NR 52.28100400 -0.11288000 15 42 528834 266439
PE28 9NS 52.27896500 -0.11301000 12 30 528831 266212
PE28 9NT 52.27701000 -0.11165700 12 38 528929 265997
PE28 9NU 52.27686400 -0.11266000 4 14 528861 265979
PE28 9NW 52.28272700 -0.11324600 25 72 528804 266630
PE28 9NX 52.27766700 -0.11114500 12 33 528962 266071
PE28 9NY 52.27807000 -0.11159700 5 15 528930 266115
PE28 9NZ 52.27794800 -0.11070800 5 17 528991 266103
PE28 9PA 52.28361600 -0.14228900 9 28 526820 266678
PE28 9PD 52.28227800 -0.11438000 16 44 528728 266578
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