PE28 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE28 9 is a postcode sector in Huntingdonshire, UK. Below is a complete list of PE28 9 Postcodes (Active). PE28 9 postcode sector comprises of 190 active postcodes. PE28 9 sector has a population of 6455, and it has 2711 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE28 9 postcode sector

PE28 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6455
Addresses / Property Count 2711
Active Postcodes 190
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of PE28 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-190 of 190 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE28 9PE 52.28255600 -0.11208100 7 13 528884 266613
PE28 9PF 52.27936900 -0.10790600 7 13 529178 266266
PE28 9PG 52.28019900 -0.11092000 25 68 528970 266353
PE28 9PH 52.29527700 -0.06662700 N/A N/A 531947 268110
PE28 9PJ 52.27932900 -0.15105800 N/A N/A 526235 266186
PE28 9PL 52.29516200 -0.06727700 N/A N/A 531903 268096
PE28 9PN 52.29485900 -0.06690900 N/A N/A 531929 268063
PE28 9PQ 52.27933900 -0.10998900 21 57 529036 266259
PE28 9PY 52.29779800 -0.07339600 2 6 531478 268378
PE28 9PZ 52.29939300 -0.07010900 6 6 531697 268561
PE28 9QA 52.28128100 -0.11500800 9 21 528688 266466
PE28 9QB 52.28059700 -0.11383500 29 78 528770 266392
PE28 9QD 52.29979800 -0.06355000 57 110 532143 268618
PE28 9QE 52.29905300 -0.06199800 20 52 532251 268538
PE28 9QF 52.29924700 -0.06287000 24 59 532191 268558
PE28 9QG 52.30018900 -0.06329800 3 4 532159 268662
PE28 9QH 52.29910600 -0.06466500 25 57 532069 268539
PE28 9QJ 52.28178600 -0.11006100 4 9 529024 266531
PE28 9QL 52.29965900 -0.06003600 4 12 532383 268609
PE28 9QN 52.28112400 -0.10915100 3 12 529088 266459
PE28 9QP 52.29668500 -0.07607800 8 26 531298 268249
PE28 9QQ 52.30035200 -0.06389200 8 20 532118 268679
PE28 9QR 52.30041900 -0.08475200 N/A N/A 530696 268649
PE28 9QS 52.28218800 -0.11552700 4 13 528650 266566
PE28 9QT 52.28354500 -0.11099800 8 25 528955 266725
PE28 9QW 52.27843500 -0.11190400 5 12 528908 266155
PE28 9QX 52.29353200 -0.08184600 1 2 530914 267888
PE28 9QY 52.29984000 -0.06997200 39 77 531705 268611
PE28 9QZ 52.30162700 -0.06929300 22 55 531746 268811
PE28 9RB 52.30124900 -0.08880800 N/A N/A 530417 268734
PE28 9RD 52.30170600 -0.08871500 N/A N/A 530422 268785
PE28 9RE 52.30082400 -0.08973600 N/A N/A 530355 268685
PE28 9RF 52.30106200 -0.09001900 N/A N/A 530335 268711
PE28 9WE 52.34065200 -0.18396000 N/A N/A 523819 272949
PE28 9WH 52.31562300 -0.10348500 7 15 529374 270306
PE28 9WJ 52.31445100 -0.10271300 6 14 529430 270177
PE28 9WL 52.31422000 -0.10347100 13 35 529379 270150
PE28 9WN 52.31451800 -0.10466200 7 15 529297 270181
PE28 9WP 52.31473000 -0.10330300 10 18 529389 270207
PE28 9WW 52.31486000 -0.10580600 17 48 529218 270217
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