SK6 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SK6 2 is a postcode sector in Stockport, UK. Below is a complete list of SK6 2 Postcodes (Active). SK6 2 postcode sector comprises of 174 active postcodes. SK6 2 sector has a population of 7246, and it has 3113 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SK6 2 postcode sector

SK6 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7246
Addresses / Property Count 3113
Active Postcodes 174
Nearby Postcode Districts 18
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of SK6 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 174 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SK6 2EH 53.41910600 -2.12957100 32 88 391486 391375
SK6 2EJ 53.41876500 -2.12845700 46 124 391560 391337
SK6 2EL 53.41837900 -2.12847100 49 136 391559 391294
SK6 2EN 53.41997800 -2.12767700 22 58 391612 391472
SK6 2EQ 53.41936600 -2.13003900 26 62 391455 391404
SK6 2EX 53.41666000 -2.12160500 33 81 392015 391102
SK6 2EY 53.41714400 -2.12333700 6 17 391900 391156
SK6 2EZ 53.41629300 -2.12061100 35 74 392081 391061
SK6 2FG 53.41899700 -2.10120700 N/A N/A 393371 391360
SK6 2GA 53.42285700 -2.10847100 52 135 392889 391790
SK6 2HA 53.41746400 -2.11805600 17 46 392251 391191
SK6 2HB 53.41688000 -2.11787400 13 34 392263 391126
SK6 2HD 53.41713200 -2.11706200 7 22 392317 391154
SK6 2HE 53.41829900 -2.11860000 30 59 392215 391284
SK6 2HF 53.41783700 -2.12178900 35 88 392003 391233
SK6 2HG 53.41791000 -2.12106700 20 40 392051 391241
SK6 2HH 53.41779900 -2.12374500 40 96 391873 391229
SK6 2HJ 53.41761200 -2.12264600 40 92 391946 391208
SK6 2HL 53.41915700 -2.12340300 20 44 391896 391380
SK6 2HN 53.41590300 -2.11465200 19 49 392477 391017
SK6 2HP 53.41547200 -2.11415400 20 39 392510 390969
SK6 2HQ 53.41947300 -2.12195900 55 132 391992 391415
SK6 2HR 53.41612000 -2.11320800 26 43 392573 391041
SK6 2HS 53.41559900 -2.11251500 21 44 392619 390983
SK6 2HT 53.41635500 -2.11247100 21 39 392622 391067
SK6 2HU 53.41655200 -2.11129700 15 30 392700 391089
SK6 2HW 53.41656800 -2.11453300 19 43 392485 391091
SK6 2HX 53.41620300 -2.11147800 14 36 392688 391050
SK6 2HY 53.41683000 -2.11299900 12 25 392587 391120
SK6 2JG 53.42275900 -2.10592600 8 12 393058 391779
SK6 2JL 53.41898300 -2.10826500 13 20 392902 391359
SK6 2JN 53.41948600 -2.10883800 20 40 392864 391415
SK6 2JP 53.41772600 -2.10638100 13 31 393027 391219
SK6 2JR 53.41939400 -2.10895700 2 3 392856 391405
SK6 2JT 53.41887400 -2.10934800 41 91 392830 391347
SK6 2JU 53.41870400 -2.10846000 9 21 392889 391328
SK6 2JW 53.41838200 -2.10733100 11 24 392964 391292
SK6 2JX 53.41861300 -2.11011500 39 104 392779 391318
SK6 2JY 53.41792000 -2.11121200 57 134 392706 391241
SK6 2JZ 53.41764900 -2.11187300 8 16 392662 391211
SK6 2LA 53.41743400 -2.11106000 30 65 392716 391187
SK6 2LB 53.41755200 -2.11056400 9 19 392749 391200
SK6 2LD 53.41756200 -2.10892400 21 36 392858 391201
SK6 2LE 53.41811100 -2.10859400 10 23 392880 391262
SK6 2LF 53.41730400 -2.10675600 19 83 393002 391172
SK6 2LG 53.41677200 -2.10841000 16 38 392892 391113
SK6 2LH 53.41638300 -2.11045500 8 20 392756 391070
SK6 2LJ 53.41609600 -2.11039400 12 25 392760 391038
SK6 2LL 53.41561000 -2.11034800 33 76 392763 390984
SK6 2LN 53.41654700 -2.10795800 31 86 392922 391088
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