SK6 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SK6 2 is a postcode sector in Stockport, UK. Below is a complete list of SK6 2 Postcodes (Active). SK6 2 postcode sector comprises of 174 active postcodes. SK6 2 sector has a population of 7246, and it has 3113 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SK6 2 postcode sector

SK6 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7246
Addresses / Property Count 3113
Active Postcodes 174
Nearby Postcode Districts 18
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of SK6 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-174 of 174 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SK6 2RP 53.43362600 -2.12579300 N/A N/A 391740 392990
SK6 2RR 53.42943300 -2.11267200 N/A N/A 392611 392522
SK6 2RY 53.43521500 -2.11881300 24 52 392204 393166
SK6 2RZ 53.43770100 -2.11368700 9 22 392545 393442
SK6 2SB 53.43560800 -2.11271800 1 1 392609 393209
SK6 2SD 53.42834400 -2.11330100 N/A N/A 392569 392401
SK6 2SE 53.43334600 -2.12577500 N/A N/A 391741 392959
SK6 2SL 53.42894200 -2.11774200 N/A N/A 392274 392468
SK6 2SN 53.43033600 -2.11553200 N/A N/A 392421 392623
SK6 2SP 53.43073100 -2.11824400 N/A N/A 392241 392667
SK6 2SR 53.43153300 -2.12297000 1 3 391927 392757
SK6 2SS 53.42396300 -2.11786400 N/A N/A 392265 391914
SK6 2ST 53.42858600 -2.11290900 N/A N/A 392595 392428
SK6 2SU 53.42872400 -2.11157100 N/A N/A 392684 392443
SK6 2SX 53.43112800 -2.11674000 N/A N/A 392341 392711
SK6 2SZ 53.42830500 -2.11712300 N/A N/A 392315 392397
SK6 2TD 53.42797900 -2.10840700 N/A N/A 392894 392360
SK6 2TF 53.42645100 -2.11731200 N/A N/A 392302 392191
SK6 2TG 53.42958400 -2.12141400 N/A N/A 392030 392540
SK6 2TJ 53.43172300 -2.11466400 N/A N/A 392479 392777
SK6 2WD 53.41899700 -2.10120700 N/A N/A 393371 391360
SK6 2WL 53.41899700 -2.10120700 N/A N/A 393371 391360
SK6 2WN 53.41899700 -2.10120700 N/A N/A 393371 391360
SK6 2WX 53.41898000 -2.10120900 N/A N/A 393371 391358
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