SW11 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW11 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW11 6 Postcodes (Active). SW11 6 postcode sector comprises of 173 active postcodes. SW11 6 sector has a population of 10860, and it has 4075 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW11 6 postcode sector

SW11 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10860
Addresses / Property Count 4075
Active Postcodes 173
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of SW11 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 173 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW11 6LZ 51.45701000 -0.15651700 12 36 528177 174726
SW11 6NA 51.45675100 -0.15719000 8 19 528131 174696
SW11 6NB 51.45620000 -0.15705400 37 112 528142 174635
SW11 6ND 51.45679300 -0.15641100 12 34 528185 174702
SW11 6NE 51.45632000 -0.15778300 28 82 528091 174647
SW11 6NF 51.45565800 -0.15858700 26 76 528037 174572
SW11 6NN 51.45885700 -0.16014200 22 58 527920 174925
SW11 6NP 51.45560400 -0.15798400 8 18 528079 174567
SW11 6NR 51.45740300 -0.15922200 26 67 527988 174765
SW11 6NS 51.45895800 -0.15974900 19 57 527947 174937
SW11 6NT 51.45901500 -0.15935900 15 44 527974 174944
SW11 6NU 51.45746900 -0.15881600 32 94 528016 174773
SW11 6NW 51.45719300 -0.15956100 37 109 527965 174741
SW11 6NX 51.45760700 -0.15842200 24 73 528043 174789
SW11 6NY 51.45904400 -0.15891100 16 56 528005 174948
SW11 6NZ 51.45911100 -0.15857700 17 49 528028 174956
SW11 6PA 51.45917500 -0.15810000 17 51 528061 174964
SW11 6PB 51.45771100 -0.15762600 23 61 528098 174802
SW11 6PD 51.45769100 -0.15804400 21 56 528069 174799
SW11 6PE 51.45920500 -0.15769500 39 108 528089 174968
SW11 6PJ 51.45837100 -0.16582300 11 20 527527 174861
SW11 6PL 51.45789200 -0.16570900 7 17 527536 174808
SW11 6PN 51.45737600 -0.16545900 12 20 527555 174751
SW11 6PP 51.45675200 -0.16414200 26 64 527648 174684
SW11 6PR 51.45688700 -0.16469800 5 16 527609 174698
SW11 6PS 51.45635500 -0.16512600 6 13 527581 174638
SW11 6PT 51.45627200 -0.16382000 33 87 527672 174631
SW11 6PU 51.45649800 -0.16399400 34 98 527659 174656
SW11 6PW 51.45697000 -0.16538600 8 20 527561 174706
SW11 6PX 51.45590800 -0.16480900 11 22 527604 174589
SW11 6PY 51.45578100 -0.16356200 31 79 527691 174577
SW11 6PZ 51.45602500 -0.16358500 31 87 527689 174604
SW11 6QB 51.45538300 -0.16450300 16 28 527627 174531
SW11 6QE 51.45454800 -0.16410100 14 24 527657 174439
SW11 6QF 51.45386800 -0.16367100 14 27 527689 174364
SW11 6QL 51.45829700 -0.16629700 22 46 527494 174852
SW11 6QN 51.45780100 -0.16613300 10 17 527507 174797
SW11 6QP 51.45681400 -0.16578100 8 13 527534 174688
SW11 6QS 51.45638900 -0.16679100 21 58 527465 174639
SW11 6QT 51.45610200 -0.16683100 36 101 527463 174607
SW11 6QU 51.45619100 -0.16555000 4 8 527552 174619
SW11 6QW 51.45731200 -0.16595100 4 8 527521 174743
SW11 6QX 51.45582400 -0.16688500 38 116 527460 174576
SW11 6QY 51.45559700 -0.16673600 40 124 527471 174551
SW11 6QZ 51.45577300 -0.16534700 11 23 527567 174573
SW11 6RA 51.45536000 -0.16647600 45 107 527490 174525
SW11 6RB 51.45511400 -0.16636700 44 99 527498 174498
SW11 6RD 51.45540000 -0.16502000 11 16 527591 174532
SW11 6RE 51.45371200 -0.16400900 10 18 527666 174346
SW11 6RF 51.45504600 -0.16481900 12 17 527606 174493
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