SW11 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW11 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW11 6 Postcodes (Active). SW11 6 postcode sector comprises of 173 active postcodes. SW11 6 sector has a population of 10860, and it has 4075 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW11 6 postcode sector

SW11 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10860
Addresses / Property Count 4075
Active Postcodes 173
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of SW11 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-173 of 173 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW11 6RG 51.45472800 -0.16463000 12 25 527620 174458
SW11 6RH 51.45460000 -0.16569700 43 98 527546 174442
SW11 6RL 51.45924200 -0.16176800 18 46 527806 174965
SW11 6RN 51.45850000 -0.16146700 19 49 527829 174883
SW11 6RP 51.45609200 -0.16100200 17 45 527868 174616
SW11 6RQ 51.45433000 -0.16443000 6 11 527635 174414
SW11 6RR 51.45738500 -0.16148300 20 62 527831 174759
SW11 6RS 51.45918600 -0.16211900 13 31 527782 174958
SW11 6RT 51.45851700 -0.16197000 17 52 527794 174884
SW11 6RU 51.45888700 -0.16375800 16 27 527669 174922
SW11 6RW 51.45692600 -0.16091100 47 135 527872 174709
SW11 6RX 51.45731000 -0.16301100 15 40 527725 174748
SW11 6RY 51.45678400 -0.16212600 28 84 527788 174691
SW11 6RZ 51.45726300 -0.16232200 27 77 527773 174744
SW11 6SA 51.45654700 -0.16194800 27 71 527801 174665
SW11 6SB 51.45613600 -0.16156100 25 58 527829 174620
SW11 6SD 51.45568000 -0.16173800 12 28 527818 174569
SW11 6SE 51.45516300 -0.16192100 17 43 527807 174511
SW11 6SF 51.45632400 -0.16266200 23 48 527752 174639
SW11 6SN 51.45436800 -0.16570900 3 6 527546 174416
SW11 6SP 51.45424900 -0.16622900 18 39 527510 174402
SW11 6SS 51.45474300 -0.16668800 9 20 527477 174456
SW11 6SW 51.45419000 -0.16533900 14 37 527572 174397
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