YO17 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO17 9 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO17 9 Postcodes (Active). YO17 9 postcode sector comprises of 235 active postcodes. YO17 9 sector has a population of 7663, and it has 3285 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO17 9 postcode sector

YO17 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7663
Addresses / Property Count 3285
Active Postcodes 235
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of YO17 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 235 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO17 9NJ 54.13310100 -0.76905800 N/A N/A 480528 471506
YO17 9NL 54.08268300 -0.75120100 4 6 481794 465917
YO17 9NN 54.08193900 -0.75053500 5 8 481839 465835
YO17 9NP 54.07981500 -0.76070300 3 4 481178 465587
YO17 9NR 54.07409700 -0.75350700 11 24 481660 464959
YO17 9NS 54.07004300 -0.75873200 22 59 481326 464502
YO17 9NT 54.07566200 -0.74672000 6 13 482101 465141
YO17 9NU 54.07315400 -0.75542600 N/A N/A 481536 464852
YO17 9NW 54.08055600 -0.75406200 4 8 481611 465677
YO17 9NX 54.07086600 -0.73251400 3 9 483040 464624
YO17 9PA 54.08628600 -0.72707500 1 2 483365 466346
YO17 9PB 54.12909900 -0.77579100 26 47 480096 471053
YO17 9PD 54.12934100 -0.78991000 7 19 479173 471064
YO17 9PE 54.12875900 -0.78928400 5 18 479215 471000
YO17 9PF 54.12832400 -0.78978600 18 53 479183 470951
YO17 9PG 54.12840500 -0.79077500 22 63 479118 470959
YO17 9PH 54.12710200 -0.77384500 9 17 480227 470833
YO17 9PJ 54.12118200 -0.76368800 18 38 480902 470186
YO17 9PL 54.12247900 -0.74995900 4 9 481797 470346
YO17 9PP 54.13241900 -0.78325400 4 7 479602 471414
YO17 9PS 54.12582600 -0.78457600 2 9 479528 470679
YO17 9PT 54.12532000 -0.78338500 N/A N/A 479607 470624
YO17 9PU 54.12396900 -0.78576600 2 6 479454 470471
YO17 9PX 54.12189100 -0.78113000 5 14 479761 470245
YO17 9PY 54.11939800 -0.78089300 4 29 479781 469968
YO17 9PZ 54.12014100 -0.77703100 2 5 480032 470055
YO17 9QE 54.12422600 -0.79882600 2 5 478600 470485
YO17 9QF 54.11746900 -0.80352000 8 22 478306 469728
YO17 9QG 54.11772500 -0.77719300 2 5 480026 469786
YO17 9QH 54.09499200 -0.75855300 4 13 481289 467278
YO17 9QJ 54.09281200 -0.75802200 1 5 481328 467036
YO17 9QL 54.09614200 -0.76373300 2 6 480948 467400
YO17 9QP 54.09380500 -0.78135700 29 69 479800 467120
YO17 9QQ 54.10721700 -0.76038700 2 6 481145 468636
YO17 9QR 54.09246900 -0.79419400 1 3 478963 466957
YO17 9QS 54.09170300 -0.80569800 2 6 478212 466859
YO17 9QT 54.08482400 -0.81995600 4 11 477292 466078
YO17 9QU 54.09032400 -0.81440700 7 12 477645 466696
YO17 9QW 54.09499400 -0.77628700 N/A N/A 480129 467258
YO17 9QX 54.09885700 -0.82385900 12 27 477011 467635
YO17 9QY 54.11273300 -0.81821900 3 10 477354 469185
YO17 9RA 54.13302200 -0.79768000 1 2 478658 471465
YO17 9RB 54.13188700 -0.80002800 50 95 478507 471336
YO17 9RD 54.13206600 -0.79731000 1 1 478684 471359
YO17 9RE 54.13226100 -0.79885400 23 56 478583 471379
YO17 9RF 54.13258300 -0.79772800 N/A N/A 478656 471416
YO17 9RG 54.04520800 -0.80394700 40 90 478414 461688
YO17 9RH 54.04071900 -0.82083800 2 10 477316 461170
YO17 9RJ 54.03946000 -0.83648500 4 6 476294 461013
YO17 9RL 54.04115600 -0.83522700 23 54 476373 461203
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