YO62 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO62 4 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO62 4 Postcodes (Active). YO62 4 postcode sector comprises of 131 active postcodes. YO62 4 sector has a population of 3065, and it has 1063 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO62 4 postcode sector

YO62 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3065
Addresses / Property Count 1063
Active Postcodes 131
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of YO62 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-131 of 131 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO62 4JZ 54.17107900 -0.98025200 15 39 466668 475512
YO62 4LA 54.17059100 -0.97885500 18 46 466760 475459
YO62 4LB 54.16898100 -0.97871100 8 19 466772 475280
YO62 4LD 54.17018400 -0.97828600 3 5 466798 475414
YO62 4LE 54.17038500 -0.97658100 10 29 466909 475438
YO62 4LF 54.17361600 -0.97836700 18 42 466787 475796
YO62 4LG 54.17392200 -0.97957000 20 39 466708 475829
YO62 4LH 54.19236700 -0.96391200 1 3 467700 477896
YO62 4LJ 54.19166200 -0.99426000 18 45 465721 477789
YO62 4LL 54.19714600 -1.01594200 5 16 464298 478379
YO62 4LN 54.18623400 -1.00950200 2 7 464735 477171
YO62 4LP 54.17826600 -1.00105400 1 2 465299 476292
YO62 4LQ 54.17592700 -0.97322400 3 7 467119 476058
YO62 4LR 54.15068900 -0.98995900 6 12 466067 473234
YO62 4LS 54.14681000 -0.96610800 4 7 467631 472825
YO62 4LU 54.17255400 -0.98113800 N/A N/A 466608 475675
YO62 4LW 54.18254100 -1.01817400 20 64 464175 476752
YO62 4LX 54.17233700 -0.98019100 5 14 466670 475652
YO62 4LY 54.17039900 -0.98031800 12 21 466665 475436
YO62 4NA 54.15918800 -1.00494000 6 13 465075 474166
YO62 4NB 54.14710900 -1.01020900 33 80 464750 472817
YO62 4ND 54.15483800 -1.01780400 1 2 464242 473670
YO62 4NE 54.15893000 -1.02730500 15 36 463615 474117
YO62 4NF 54.16026400 -1.03448700 2 6 463144 474259
YO62 4NG 54.15079000 -1.04335800 1 2 462579 473197
YO62 4NH 54.16199000 -1.02867700 4 11 463521 474456
YO62 4NJ 54.14615100 -1.00736900 4 12 464937 472713
YO62 4NL 54.14866600 -1.00942200 2 4 464799 472991
YO62 4NN 54.16674100 -0.96369400 N/A N/A 467756 475045
YO62 4NQ 54.17126300 -1.03878100 6 16 462847 475479
YO62 4YT 54.24554500 -1.06032000 N/A N/A 461331 483725
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