YO8 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO8 4 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO8 4 Postcodes (Active). YO8 4 postcode sector comprises of 191 active postcodes. YO8 4 sector has a population of 6667, and it has 2880 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO8 4 postcode sector

YO8 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6667
Addresses / Property Count 2880
Active Postcodes 191
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of YO8 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 191 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO8 4JA 53.77943600 -1.08650800 3 8 460294 431843
YO8 4JB 53.77942600 -1.08531900 14 24 460372 431843
YO8 4JD 53.77896900 -1.08437300 13 34 460435 431793
YO8 4JE 53.77860200 -1.08570100 10 19 460348 431751
YO8 4JF 53.77870300 -1.08720100 23 42 460249 431761
YO8 4JG 53.77951100 -1.08933900 38 112 460107 431849
YO8 4JH 53.77900400 -1.09724100 28 74 459587 431786
YO8 4JJ 53.77884200 -1.08882200 5 15 460142 431775
YO8 4JL 53.77804000 -1.08967900 56 136 460087 431685
YO8 4JN 53.77860100 -1.09031400 18 49 460044 431747
YO8 4JP 53.77767900 -1.10025900 35 86 459390 431636
YO8 4JQ 53.77947400 -1.09167700 48 128 459953 431843
YO8 4JR 53.77977200 -1.09890900 26 65 459476 431870
YO8 4JS 53.78316000 -1.06945400 1 1 461412 432272
YO8 4JT 53.77809100 -1.09419500 8 24 459789 431687
YO8 4JW 53.77771300 -1.09408200 47 118 459797 431645
YO8 4JX 53.77758600 -1.09258800 N/A N/A 459896 431632
YO8 4LB 53.78784600 -1.07455600 10 34 461069 432789
YO8 4LG 53.78677300 -1.07292600 30 76 461178 432671
YO8 4LR 53.78825700 -1.07418300 12 22 461093 432835
YO8 4NH 53.78482000 -1.06563800 2 4 461661 432460
YO8 4NJ 53.78424600 -1.06444200 20 28 461741 432397
YO8 4NL 53.78846200 -1.07512000 15 18 461031 432857
YO8 4NN 53.78379700 -1.06352100 N/A N/A 461802 432348
YO8 4NR 53.78429400 -1.06375800 N/A N/A 461786 432403
YO8 4NS 53.78415000 -1.06846000 N/A N/A 461476 432383
YO8 4NT 53.78413600 -1.06896200 1 2 461443 432381
YO8 4NW 53.78338400 -1.06338300 4 8 461812 432302
YO8 4NX 53.78415500 -1.06915900 N/A N/A 461430 432383
YO8 4NY 53.78017900 -1.06738500 10 12 461553 431942
YO8 4NZ 53.78061600 -1.06594400 29 65 461647 431992
YO8 4PA 53.78366700 -1.06879000 N/A N/A 461455 432329
YO8 4PB 53.78374500 -1.06938500 2 5 461416 432337
YO8 4PD 53.78351700 -1.06801900 5 8 461506 432313
YO8 4PE 53.78342400 -1.06761100 N/A N/A 461533 432303
YO8 4PF 53.78428100 -1.06795700 4 10 461509 432398
YO8 4PG 53.78462700 -1.06743300 5 7 461543 432437
YO8 4PH 53.78510100 -1.06702800 4 8 461569 432490
YO8 4PJ 53.78527100 -1.06566300 1 1 461659 432510
YO8 4PL 53.78502300 -1.06622500 5 9 461622 432482
YO8 4PQ 53.78480000 -1.06653400 9 21 461602 432457
YO8 4PR 53.78368600 -1.06530400 12 23 461685 432334
YO8 4PS 53.78326400 -1.06768100 N/A N/A 461529 432285
YO8 4PT 53.78434400 -1.06566400 7 10 461660 432407
YO8 4PU 53.78383400 -1.06590300 6 12 461645 432350
YO8 4PW 53.78267400 -1.06708200 1 2 461569 432220
YO8 4PX 53.78310000 -1.06863500 N/A N/A 461466 432266
YO8 4PY 53.78285400 -1.06926900 N/A N/A 461425 432238
YO8 4PZ 53.78467800 -1.06589900 6 6 461644 432444
YO8 4QA 53.78355700 -1.06968800 N/A N/A 461396 432316
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