AB56 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

AB56 1 is a postcode sector in Moray, UK. Below is a complete list of AB56 1 Postcodes (Active). AB56 1 postcode sector comprises of 293 active postcodes. AB56 1 sector has a population of 8328, and it has 3728 properties in the region.

Browse Information On AB56 1 postcode sector

AB56 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8328
Addresses / Property Count 3728
Active Postcodes 293
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of AB56 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 293 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
AB56 1DR 57.67109200 -2.98186900 17 43 341530 865004
AB56 1DS 57.66964600 -2.98174600 17 41 341535 864843
AB56 1DT 57.66867600 -2.98054600 8 21 341605 864734
AB56 1DU 57.66998700 -2.98296200 11 24 341463 864882
AB56 1DW 57.66871000 -2.96587800 10 21 342480 864725
AB56 1DX 57.66883000 -2.97931000 12 24 341679 864750
AB56 1DZ 57.67607000 -2.96649300 8 12 342455 865545
AB56 1EA 57.66936400 -2.97870400 10 30 341716 864809
AB56 1EB 57.66960600 -2.97998400 22 57 341640 864837
AB56 1ED 57.67073900 -2.98093700 9 20 341585 864964
AB56 1EE 57.66941300 -2.95352500 13 28 343218 864793
AB56 1EF 57.66921400 -2.98307500 12 23 341455 864796
AB56 1EG 57.67107100 -2.97403900 35 42 341997 864995
AB56 1EH 57.66885300 -2.98464000 5 10 341361 864757
AB56 1EJ 57.67068800 -2.97941000 23 60 341676 864957
AB56 1EL 57.67009700 -2.97808600 16 43 341754 864890
AB56 1EN 57.67085800 -2.97720200 22 37 341808 864974
AB56 1EP 57.67049600 -2.97640400 15 65 341855 864933
AB56 1EQ 57.67149600 -2.97374800 3 3 342015 865042
AB56 1ER 57.67766700 -2.95967800 12 25 342864 865717
AB56 1ES 57.67772100 -2.96080300 9 18 342797 865724
AB56 1ET 57.67721800 -2.96223100 2 5 342711 865669
AB56 1EU 57.66909000 -2.97822700 20 25 341744 864778
AB56 1EW 57.66845400 -2.97797500 31 57 341758 864707
AB56 1EX 57.67690200 -2.96338000 2 8 342642 865635
AB56 1EY 57.66853300 -2.97702200 14 35 341815 864715
AB56 1EZ 57.66791200 -2.97720600 13 21 341803 864646
AB56 1FA 57.66795000 -2.97920200 N/A N/A 341684 864652
AB56 1FE 57.66921500 -2.97355300 45 90 342023 864788
AB56 1FF 57.67009900 -2.98006500 12 39 341636 864892
AB56 1FG 57.67033900 -2.97458900 31 60 341963 864914
AB56 1FH 57.66542200 -2.98225100 2 4 341498 864373
AB56 1FL 57.66993600 -2.98141800 16 43 341555 864875
AB56 1FN 57.67021000 -2.97735200 17 25 341798 864902
AB56 1FP 57.66815400 -2.98096700 0 0 341579 864676
AB56 1FQ 57.66705300 -2.97676400 20 44 341828 864550
AB56 1FR 57.66710700 -2.98281600 2 7 341467 864561
AB56 1FS 57.67300800 -2.97684000 23 34 341833 865213
AB56 1FT 57.66630000 -2.97541900 6 20 341907 864465
AB56 1FU 57.67524800 -2.96492800 N/A N/A 342547 865452
AB56 1FW 57.66638500 -2.97488500 3 9 341939 864474
AB56 1FX 57.66769300 -2.97430000 4 11 341976 864619
AB56 1FY 57.66964700 -2.97230700 3 8 342098 864835
AB56 1FZ 57.66727300 -2.97378600 N/A N/A 342006 864572
AB56 1GA 57.66689700 -2.97161300 N/A N/A 342135 864528
AB56 1GB 57.66828200 -2.97372900 N/A N/A 342011 864684
AB56 1GD 57.66554200 -2.97811500 11 27 341745 864383
AB56 1GE 57.66558200 -2.98019400 13 35 341621 864389
AB56 1GF 57.66653700 -2.97839300 12 38 341730 864494
AB56 1GG 57.66581600 -2.97991600 6 13 341638 864415
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