AB56 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

AB56 1 is a postcode sector in Moray, UK. Below is a complete list of AB56 1 Postcodes (Active). AB56 1 postcode sector comprises of 293 active postcodes. AB56 1 sector has a population of 8328, and it has 3728 properties in the region.

Browse Information On AB56 1 postcode sector

AB56 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8328
Addresses / Property Count 3728
Active Postcodes 293
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of AB56 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-293 of 293 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
AB56 1SX 57.68527600 -2.93433600 14 32 344387 866543
AB56 1SY 57.68527300 -2.93379900 5 16 344419 866542
AB56 1TA 57.68484800 -2.93516400 13 34 344337 866496
AB56 1TB 57.68452700 -2.93604400 13 36 344284 866461
AB56 1TD 57.68430200 -2.93870400 25 57 344125 866438
AB56 1TE 57.68294000 -2.94039700 14 36 344022 866288
AB56 1TJ 57.68454100 -2.93658100 12 31 344252 866463
AB56 1TL 57.68424900 -2.93716100 10 28 344217 866431
AB56 1TN 57.68370600 -2.94006500 3 8 344043 866373
AB56 1TP 57.68360200 -2.94450600 27 59 343778 866365
AB56 1TQ 57.68318400 -2.94389200 47 94 343814 866318
AB56 1TR 57.68257400 -2.94375800 49 101 343821 866250
AB56 1TS 57.67930200 -2.95267800 1 1 343284 865893
AB56 1TU 57.68261400 -2.94203200 11 31 343924 866253
AB56 1TX 57.68082700 -2.95159500 0 0 343351 866062
AB56 1UA 57.68105500 -2.94989000 6 9 343453 866086
AB56 1UB 57.68156100 -2.94946700 14 33 343479 866142
AB56 1UD 57.68120300 -2.94935700 8 17 343485 866102
AB56 1UJ 57.68137700 -2.94884200 5 12 343516 866121
AB56 1UL 57.68146000 -2.94859300 5 11 343531 866130
AB56 1UN 57.67967800 -2.95626000 0 0 343071 865938
AB56 1UQ 57.67934400 -2.95762600 0 0 342989 865902
AB56 1UT 57.67833200 -2.96098600 4 8 342787 865792
AB56 1UW 57.67883200 -2.95779600 N/A N/A 342978 865845
AB56 1UX 57.67784200 -2.96397400 10 23 342608 865740
AB56 1UY 57.67791600 -2.96374200 1 1 342622 865748
AB56 1XA 57.67749100 -2.96619600 1 1 342475 865703
AB56 1XB 57.67774700 -2.96684000 0 0 342437 865732
AB56 1XD 57.67772400 -2.96746000 15 24 342400 865730
AB56 1XE 57.67783700 -2.96794900 6 13 342371 865743
AB56 1XF 57.67776700 -2.96776300 1 4 342382 865735
AB56 1XJ 57.67791900 -2.97267900 30 57 342089 865756
AB56 1XL 57.67718400 -2.97373200 5 8 342025 865675
AB56 1XN 57.67639500 -2.97445000 5 11 341981 865588
AB56 1XP 57.67574400 -2.97491900 3 8 341952 865516
AB56 1XQ 57.67575000 -2.97788600 31 81 341775 865519
AB56 1XR 57.67593000 -2.97878000 12 27 341722 865540
AB56 1XS 57.67584500 -2.98055500 2 4 341616 865532
AB56 1XT 57.67470600 -2.98262000 28 67 341491 865407
AB56 1XU 57.67567600 -2.97821900 2 2 341755 865511
AB56 1XX 57.67323000 -2.98756000 23 56 341194 865247
AB56 1XY 57.67320900 -2.98569800 4 8 341305 865243
AB56 1YA 57.67269700 -2.99024400 3 10 341033 865190
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