AB56 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

AB56 1 is a postcode sector in Moray, UK. Below is a complete list of AB56 1 Postcodes (Active). AB56 1 postcode sector comprises of 293 active postcodes. AB56 1 sector has a population of 8328, and it has 3728 properties in the region.

Browse Information On AB56 1 postcode sector

AB56 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8328
Addresses / Property Count 3728
Active Postcodes 293
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of AB56 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-250 of 293 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
AB56 1QF 57.67483000 -2.97719000 11 22 341815 865416
AB56 1QG 57.66931500 -2.96996800 35 80 342237 864796
AB56 1QH 57.67480300 -2.97467500 3 6 341965 865411
AB56 1QJ 57.67317600 -2.97251900 8 21 342091 865228
AB56 1QN 57.67438500 -2.97525100 25 33 341930 865365
AB56 1QP 57.67513900 -2.97537200 7 14 341924 865449
AB56 1QQ 57.67519000 -2.97691600 4 10 341832 865456
AB56 1QR 57.67486300 -2.97622000 10 19 341873 865419
AB56 1QS 57.67440300 -2.97758200 24 56 341791 865369
AB56 1QT 57.67397100 -2.97772100 6 9 341782 865321
AB56 1QU 57.66946000 -2.96864800 9 29 342316 864811
AB56 1QW 57.67467600 -2.96907200 20 27 342299 865392
AB56 1QX 57.67447200 -2.98035000 6 16 341626 865379
AB56 1QY 57.67488800 -2.97999300 11 23 341648 865425
AB56 1QZ 57.67456400 -2.98010100 6 14 341641 865389
AB56 1RA 57.67438400 -2.97887300 20 39 341714 865368
AB56 1RB 57.67352300 -2.97765900 8 15 341785 865271
AB56 1RD 57.67357500 -2.97896800 7 14 341707 865278
AB56 1RE 57.67215500 -2.98023700 5 6 341629 865121
AB56 1RF 57.67413600 -2.97962000 5 9 341669 865341
AB56 1RG 57.67368800 -2.97244900 1 5 342096 865285
AB56 1RH 57.67589500 -2.96258100 N/A N/A 342688 865522
AB56 1RJ 57.67304800 -2.97866900 9 19 341724 865219
AB56 1RL 57.67395200 -2.98020200 22 63 341634 865321
AB56 1RN 57.67387300 -2.98110500 8 12 341580 865313
AB56 1RP 57.67327800 -2.98144100 13 31 341559 865247
AB56 1RQ 57.67375100 -2.98291300 11 23 341472 865301
AB56 1RR 57.67298600 -2.98198700 18 41 341526 865215
AB56 1RS 57.67243600 -2.98103300 8 11 341582 865153
AB56 1RT 57.67190700 -2.98098500 12 27 341584 865094
AB56 1RU 57.67441100 -2.98128800 11 21 341570 865373
AB56 1RX 57.67320000 -2.97991400 5 6 341650 865237
AB56 1RZ 57.67459600 -2.97009300 12 17 342238 865384
AB56 1SA 57.67265300 -2.97969800 9 13 341662 865176
AB56 1SB 57.68271600 -2.94760300 18 36 343592 866269
AB56 1SD 57.68186400 -2.94741300 14 28 343602 866174
AB56 1SE 57.68293200 -2.94871500 7 17 343526 866294
AB56 1SF 57.66783100 -2.98178000 N/A N/A 341530 864641
AB56 1SG 57.68271900 -2.94835700 10 19 343547 866270
AB56 1SH 57.68295300 -2.94955400 7 12 343476 866297
AB56 1SJ 57.68247300 -2.95002800 15 35 343447 866244
AB56 1SL 57.68442800 -2.94202900 9 28 343927 866455
AB56 1SN 57.68474300 -2.94083000 13 26 343999 866489
AB56 1SP 57.68469900 -2.94072800 10 18 344005 866484
AB56 1SQ 57.68543400 -2.93843200 26 61 344143 866564
AB56 1SR 57.68553900 -2.93669000 15 40 344247 866574
AB56 1SS 57.68575400 -2.93533800 12 25 344328 866597
AB56 1ST 57.68612400 -2.93256300 7 22 344494 866636
AB56 1SU 57.68632900 -2.93287100 14 34 344476 866659
AB56 1SW 57.68328900 -2.94791900 5 21 343574 866333
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