CA10 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CA10 2 is a postcode sector in Westmorland and Furness, UK. Below is a complete list of CA10 2 Postcodes (Active). CA10 2 postcode sector comprises of 180 active postcodes. CA10 2 sector has a population of 3463, and it has 1497 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CA10 2 postcode sector

CA10 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3463
Addresses / Property Count 1497
Active Postcodes 180
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of CA10 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 180 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CA10 2EE 54.63320600 -2.72389400 11 19 353369 526694
CA10 2EF 54.63286800 -2.72331500 6 11 353406 526656
CA10 2EG 54.63261900 -2.72283100 10 24 353437 526628
CA10 2EH 54.63153100 -2.72298200 9 20 353426 526507
CA10 2EL 54.63120300 -2.72220100 6 14 353476 526470
CA10 2EN 54.63075000 -2.71976100 33 70 353633 526418
CA10 2EP 54.62894600 -2.71943500 14 39 353652 526217
CA10 2EQ 54.63196000 -2.72179600 6 14 353503 526554
CA10 2ER 54.63002200 -2.71976400 3 5 353632 526337
CA10 2ES 54.63052400 -2.71844100 22 61 353718 526392
CA10 2ET 54.63287600 -2.72199900 7 15 353491 526656
CA10 2EU 54.64772500 -2.75251200 10 19 351539 528329
CA10 2EW 54.64841200 -2.75169300 N/A N/A 351593 528405
CA10 2EX 54.62842900 -2.71106100 4 8 354192 526154
CA10 2EY 54.62298100 -2.71272100 4 12 354079 525549
CA10 2EZ 54.62023600 -2.71490400 6 17 353935 525245
CA10 2FA 54.65426600 -2.74113200 N/A N/A 352281 529049
CA10 2FB 54.64814500 -2.75287700 11 21 351516 528376
CA10 2FD 54.64978400 -2.74931600 N/A N/A 351748 528556
CA10 2FE 54.63178200 -2.71996500 N/A N/A 353621 526533
CA10 2FF 54.62860100 -2.71666100 N/A N/A 353831 526177
CA10 2FG 54.62945100 -2.71743500 N/A N/A 353782 526272
CA10 2FH 54.64295700 -2.76022300 N/A N/A 351036 527804
CA10 2FJ 54.64404100 -2.75932900 N/A N/A 351095 527924
CA10 2FN 54.63330200 -2.77063900 N/A N/A 350352 526737
CA10 2FP 54.60034300 -2.70806900 N/A N/A 354354 523027
CA10 2FQ 54.61788300 -2.70543100 N/A N/A 354544 524977
CA10 2FR 54.59997100 -2.70865100 N/A N/A 354316 522986
CA10 2FS 54.62940500 -2.68970700 N/A N/A 355572 526249
CA10 2HB 54.62037900 -2.71375500 2 2 354009 525260
CA10 2HD 54.61311800 -2.71191400 3 9 354120 524451
CA10 2HH 54.61085200 -2.73192000 14 42 352825 524212
CA10 2HJ 54.61139900 -2.73214700 9 23 352811 524273
CA10 2HL 54.58970500 -2.70011100 N/A N/A 354856 521838
CA10 2HN 54.60440400 -2.71595700 18 51 353849 523484
CA10 2HP 54.60591000 -2.71960600 26 61 353615 523654
CA10 2HR 54.60562100 -2.71676800 2 3 353798 523620
CA10 2HS 54.60531100 -2.71613900 14 23 353838 523585
CA10 2HT 54.60347600 -2.71347500 2 13 354008 523379
CA10 2HU 54.60490400 -2.71514100 10 28 353902 523539
CA10 2HW 54.60126200 -2.70936500 11 26 354271 523130
CA10 2HX 54.60124100 -2.70816200 30 79 354349 523127
CA10 2HY 54.60458300 -2.71617200 11 22 353835 523504
CA10 2JA 54.57699900 -2.69961900 4 12 354874 520424
CA10 2JB 54.63009400 -2.73773400 3 9 352472 526357
CA10 2JE 54.63221400 -2.76953000 28 53 350422 526615
CA10 2JF 54.63281800 -2.77205100 12 27 350260 526684
CA10 2JG 54.63287900 -2.77375600 8 21 350150 526692
CA10 2JH 54.63600000 -2.77056200 1 5 350360 527037
CA10 2JJ 54.63351800 -2.77652600 11 18 349972 526765
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