CA10 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CA10 2 is a postcode sector in Westmorland and Furness, UK. Below is a complete list of CA10 2 Postcodes (Active). CA10 2 postcode sector comprises of 180 active postcodes. CA10 2 sector has a population of 3463, and it has 1497 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CA10 2 postcode sector

CA10 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3463
Addresses / Property Count 1497
Active Postcodes 180
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of CA10 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 180 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CA10 2JN 54.63279500 -2.77708500 31 67 349935 526685
CA10 2JP 54.63368100 -2.77487100 16 24 350079 526782
CA10 2JQ 54.63384900 -2.76832100 N/A N/A 350502 526796
CA10 2JR 54.63378300 -2.77575600 11 21 350022 526794
CA10 2JS 54.63431500 -2.77550300 3 6 350039 526853
CA10 2JT 54.63601400 -2.77679000 21 49 349958 527043
CA10 2JU 54.63266100 -2.77562600 10 19 350029 526669
CA10 2JW 54.63440800 -2.77218900 17 36 350253 526861
CA10 2JZ 54.63587900 -2.76402600 4 10 350782 527019
CA10 2LA 54.63504900 -2.75589200 35 69 351306 526921
CA10 2LB 54.63978100 -2.75949700 2 2 351079 527450
CA10 2LD 54.63835200 -2.76109300 2 8 350974 527292
CA10 2LE 54.64338800 -2.76052100 3 4 351017 527852
CA10 2LF 54.64388000 -2.75947600 26 107 351085 527906
CA10 2LG 54.62208600 -2.75794400 1 4 351158 525480
CA10 2LH 54.64372700 -2.75803200 11 41 351178 527888
CA10 2LL 54.63113000 -2.77745600 7 21 349909 526500
CA10 2LN 54.62924700 -2.78095200 9 20 349681 526293
CA10 2LR 54.63002800 -2.79765000 7 21 348604 526392
CA10 2LS 54.61422500 -2.78873100 9 19 349160 524627
CA10 2LT 54.60904800 -2.81182400 4 8 347662 524068
CA10 2LZ 54.58992900 -2.84383400 0 8 345569 521965
CA10 2NA 54.59481700 -2.83373500 13 28 346228 522501
CA10 2NB 54.58493600 -2.84592800 N/A N/A 345427 521411
CA10 2ND 54.57692400 -2.85671500 6 19 344719 520528
CA10 2NE 54.61187200 -2.82090700 8 14 347079 524389
CA10 2NF 54.55905500 -2.88685300 13 29 342746 518564
CA10 2NG 54.61707100 -2.81059400 18 45 347752 524960
CA10 2NH 54.61193500 -2.81683600 11 29 347342 524393
CA10 2NL 54.61189400 -2.81764100 15 26 347290 524389
CA10 2NN 54.61245200 -2.81990100 6 20 347145 524453
CA10 2NP 54.61223500 -2.82144500 3 8 347045 524430
CA10 2NQ 54.61152300 -2.81393300 1 4 347529 524345
CA10 2NR 54.60976600 -2.82261500 3 4 346966 524156
CA10 2NS 54.61150300 -2.81828300 3 5 347248 524346
CA10 2NU 54.53816600 -2.67927900 1 6 356147 516090
CA10 2NW 54.61287800 -2.82102100 3 4 347073 524501
CA10 2NX 54.55823700 -2.68027800 N/A N/A 356104 518324
CA10 2NY 54.62387600 -2.73461700 1 3 352666 525663
CA10 2PA 54.60665700 -2.75353500 3 4 351424 523760
CA10 2PB 54.60713000 -2.75256800 1 2 351487 523812
CA10 2PD 54.60734300 -2.75155000 3 7 351553 523835
CA10 2PE 54.60523000 -2.75462300 4 5 351352 523602
CA10 2PF 54.60618500 -2.75272500 27 59 351476 523707
CA10 2PG 54.60527900 -2.75835500 44 91 351111 523610
CA10 2PH 54.60482000 -2.75413600 5 7 351383 523556
CA10 2PJ 54.60657300 -2.75687700 16 45 351208 523753
CA10 2PL 54.60660800 -2.75565500 3 6 351287 523756
CA10 2PN 54.60691100 -2.75612500 13 23 351257 523790
CA10 2PQ 54.60590700 -2.75693100 3 5 351204 523679
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