CA10 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CA10 2 is a postcode sector in Westmorland and Furness, UK. Below is a complete list of CA10 2 Postcodes (Active). CA10 2 postcode sector comprises of 180 active postcodes. CA10 2 sector has a population of 3463, and it has 1497 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CA10 2 postcode sector

CA10 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3463
Addresses / Property Count 1497
Active Postcodes 180
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of CA10 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-180 of 180 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CA10 2PT 54.58625300 -2.74110400 7 15 352203 521481
CA10 2PU 54.57150400 -2.74991600 7 23 351616 519846
CA10 2QA 54.59119800 -2.75950100 36 76 351020 522044
CA10 2QB 54.58229300 -2.75927400 8 24 351024 521053
CA10 2QG 54.56680100 -2.75883500 1 2 351034 519329
CA10 2QJ 54.56115400 -2.76078700 4 8 350901 518702
CA10 2QL 54.56512100 -2.77870500 12 37 349747 519156
CA10 2QP 54.55584200 -2.74089200 3 8 352181 518097
CA10 2QQ 54.56877800 -2.75903800 9 11 351023 519549
CA10 2QR 54.55566000 -2.74113600 20 50 352165 518077
CA10 2QS 54.55629400 -2.74046800 6 18 352209 518147
CA10 2QT 54.51135900 -2.75202600 2 5 351408 513155
CA10 2QU 54.55799800 -2.71692100 3 8 353734 518321
CA10 2QX 54.54450500 -2.71608200 19 49 353773 516819
CA10 2QY 54.54733400 -2.72242300 2 3 353366 517138
CA10 2QZ 54.54387900 -2.72766000 3 8 353023 516757
CA10 2RA 54.54623200 -2.76437000 5 13 350651 517044
CA10 2RB 54.55270000 -2.77897800 1 1 349714 517774
CA10 2RE 54.55748200 -2.75167300 2 4 351486 518287
CA10 2RF 54.55887700 -2.75565700 4 7 351230 518445
CA10 2RG 54.55672400 -2.75073100 2 4 351546 518202
CA10 2RH 54.55160200 -2.74205200 6 14 352101 517626
CA10 2RJ 54.54813100 -2.74808000 11 20 351707 517244
CA10 2RL 54.53861500 -2.75796800 8 15 351056 516192
CA10 2RP 54.53088600 -2.75941600 2 4 350953 515333
CA10 2RQ 54.55688500 -2.75218700 14 30 351452 518221
CA10 2RR 54.55698300 -2.75098300 2 4 351530 518231
CA10 2RS 54.55675300 -2.75044900 8 16 351564 518205
CA10 2RW 54.53760100 -2.76328500 19 38 350711 516083
CA10 2WZ 54.53215100 -2.67818600 N/A N/A 356211 515420
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