CT14 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CT14 7 is a postcode sector in Dover, UK. Below is a complete list of CT14 7 Postcodes (Active). CT14 7 postcode sector comprises of 288 active postcodes. CT14 7 sector has a population of 9380, and it has 4396 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CT14 7 postcode sector

CT14 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9380
Addresses / Property Count 4396
Active Postcodes 288
Nearby Postcode Districts 21
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of CT14 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 288 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CT14 7NE 51.20406000 1.39335300 6 11 637138 150456
CT14 7NF 51.20403600 1.39233400 1 1 637067 150450
CT14 7NG 51.20321300 1.39373500 56 86 637169 150363
CT14 7NH 51.20213800 1.39480100 16 33 637249 150247
CT14 7NJ 51.20216100 1.39587700 7 16 637324 150253
CT14 7NL 51.20114700 1.39608800 1 4 637344 150141
CT14 7NN 51.20095700 1.39679100 8 14 637394 150122
CT14 7NP 51.20342500 1.39230400 12 32 637068 150382
CT14 7NQ 51.20251000 1.39472900 5 11 637242 150288
CT14 7NR 51.20266800 1.39113200 12 31 636990 150294
CT14 7NS 51.20163500 1.38952400 15 31 636883 150174
CT14 7NT 51.20067900 1.39117200 15 29 637003 150073
CT14 7NU 51.20020500 1.39136600 9 15 637019 150021
CT14 7NW 51.20013100 1.39515400 0 4 637284 150025
CT14 7NX 51.20066100 1.38836400 43 85 636807 150062
CT14 7NY 51.21112900 1.40146400 2 2 637668 151268
CT14 7NZ 51.19934300 1.38697900 20 57 636717 149911
CT14 7PA 51.20440900 1.39280600 31 39 637098 150493
CT14 7PB 51.19942600 1.38628400 15 40 636668 149918
CT14 7PD 51.19803200 1.38598100 9 18 636654 149762
CT14 7PE 51.19733600 1.38544200 5 9 636620 149683
CT14 7PF 51.19708100 1.38525300 5 11 636608 149654
CT14 7PG 51.19674600 1.38502800 10 18 636594 149616
CT14 7PH 51.19907000 1.38957900 16 51 636900 149889
CT14 7PJ 51.19695100 1.39065400 15 33 636986 149657
CT14 7PL 51.19685300 1.38973200 11 30 636922 149643
CT14 7PN 51.19682300 1.39260700 18 34 637123 149649
CT14 7PP 51.19873300 1.39469500 8 30 637259 149868
CT14 7PQ 51.19535100 1.38440900 4 8 636558 149459
CT14 7PR 51.19858100 1.39525500 1 1 637299 149853
CT14 7PS 51.19844400 1.39533200 5 11 637305 149838
CT14 7PT 51.19439200 1.39546200 4 10 637335 149388
CT14 7PU 51.19968500 1.39257400 2 3 637106 149967
CT14 7PW 51.19860600 1.39223700 12 61 637088 149846
CT14 7PX 51.20018500 1.39301200 16 22 637134 150024
CT14 7PY 51.20044600 1.39265800 13 47 637108 150052
CT14 7PZ 51.20230800 1.39237900 34 58 637079 150258
CT14 7QA 51.20199900 1.39340300 19 45 637152 150227
CT14 7QB 51.20127000 1.39498000 10 50 637266 150151
CT14 7QD 51.20112900 1.39086200 35 68 636979 150122
CT14 7QE 51.20135700 1.39195100 36 60 637054 150151
CT14 7QF 51.20169200 1.39002900 18 25 636918 150182
CT14 7QG 51.20598400 1.39434000 5 12 637197 150673
CT14 7QH 51.20433000 1.39121100 21 50 636987 150479
CT14 7QJ 51.20469300 1.39046500 19 48 636933 150517
CT14 7QL 51.20606200 1.38698500 4 14 636683 150658
CT14 7QN 51.21181500 1.39922200 11 24 637508 151337
CT14 7QP 51.21109700 1.39853900 14 20 637464 151255
CT14 7QQ 51.20574300 1.39243200 25 51 637065 150640
CT14 7QR 51.20148300 1.38825300 15 34 636795 150153
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