CT14 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CT14 7 is a postcode sector in Dover, UK. Below is a complete list of CT14 7 Postcodes (Active). CT14 7 postcode sector comprises of 288 active postcodes. CT14 7 sector has a population of 9380, and it has 4396 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CT14 7 postcode sector

CT14 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9380
Addresses / Property Count 4396
Active Postcodes 288
Nearby Postcode Districts 21
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of CT14 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-250 of 288 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CT14 7QS 51.20157400 1.38572600 23 58 636618 150155
CT14 7QT 51.20081300 1.38747400 2 3 636744 150076
CT14 7QU 51.20058900 1.38681200 27 55 636699 150049
CT14 7QW 51.19934400 1.39531200 5 9 637299 149938
CT14 7QX 51.20130200 1.38550500 13 27 636604 150124
CT14 7QY 51.20085300 1.38515700 23 55 636582 150073
CT14 7QZ 51.20234800 1.38417900 10 16 636506 150236
CT14 7RA 51.20267700 1.38523400 9 14 636578 150276
CT14 7RB 51.20336600 1.38565700 11 20 636604 150354
CT14 7RD 51.20243100 1.38596000 31 45 636630 150251
CT14 7RE 51.20199600 1.38358000 12 41 636466 150195
CT14 7RF 51.20257700 1.38339400 18 37 636450 150259
CT14 7RG 51.20342900 1.38410100 17 34 636495 150356
CT14 7RH 51.20107100 1.38229500 50 113 636381 150088
CT14 7RJ 51.20184500 1.38228000 6 12 636376 150174
CT14 7RL 51.20224300 1.38218000 20 60 636367 150218
CT14 7RN 51.20346900 1.38303000 N/A N/A 636420 150357
CT14 7RP 51.20390000 1.38679800 35 83 636681 150417
CT14 7RQ 51.20440300 1.38494500 20 46 636549 150467
CT14 7RR 51.20420600 1.38926900 20 51 636852 150459
CT14 7RS 51.20359200 1.38623100 4 6 636643 150381
CT14 7RT 51.20323400 1.38865400 14 24 636814 150349
CT14 7RU 51.20325900 1.38968700 18 39 636886 150355
CT14 7RW 51.20419000 1.38422700 12 34 636500 150441
CT14 7RX 51.20256900 1.38957900 15 36 636882 150278
CT14 7RY 51.20275600 1.38250500 3 5 636387 150276
CT14 7RZ 51.20243800 1.38324000 5 11 636440 150243
CT14 7SA 51.21214800 1.39581000 21 45 637268 151363
CT14 7SB 51.21084300 1.39706100 32 76 637362 151222
CT14 7SD 51.21022500 1.39854700 13 46 637469 151158
CT14 7SE 51.21013700 1.39750900 8 15 637397 151145
CT14 7SF 51.21006900 1.39678900 8 16 637347 151135
CT14 7SG 51.20956100 1.39725300 4 7 637382 151080
CT14 7SH 51.20946100 1.39632900 6 11 637318 151066
CT14 7SJ 51.20921100 1.39565200 16 32 637272 151036
CT14 7SL 51.20933300 1.39485900 16 43 637216 151047
CT14 7SN 51.20863800 1.39523600 8 16 637246 150971
CT14 7SP 51.20816500 1.39326900 44 110 637111 150912
CT14 7SQ 51.20911500 1.39772100 10 26 637417 151032
CT14 7SR 51.20695700 1.39368100 8 10 637146 150779
CT14 7SS 51.20672800 1.39257600 26 67 637070 150750
CT14 7ST 51.20916500 1.39413000 6 14 637166 151026
CT14 7SU 51.20973800 1.39642100 7 12 637323 151097
CT14 7SW 51.20893500 1.39464300 7 18 637203 151002
CT14 7SX 51.21033700 1.39559100 15 43 637262 151161
CT14 7SY 51.21095900 1.39556500 44 106 637257 151230
CT14 7SZ 51.21094600 1.39351600 24 64 637114 151222
CT14 7TA 51.21177800 1.39460900 31 83 637186 151318
CT14 7TB 51.21006500 1.39382400 57 155 637140 151125
CT14 7TD 51.20970900 1.39212200 27 54 637023 151080
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