CT14 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CT14 7 is a postcode sector in Dover, UK. Below is a complete list of CT14 7 Postcodes (Active). CT14 7 postcode sector comprises of 288 active postcodes. CT14 7 sector has a population of 9380, and it has 4396 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CT14 7 postcode sector

CT14 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9380
Addresses / Property Count 4396
Active Postcodes 288
Nearby Postcode Districts 21
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of CT14 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-288 of 288 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CT14 7TE 51.21034500 1.39285600 15 43 637071 151153
CT14 7TF 51.20875100 1.39228100 60 150 637039 150974
CT14 7TG 51.20811900 1.39081700 15 44 636940 150899
CT14 7TH 51.20781000 1.38999100 27 51 636884 150862
CT14 7TJ 51.20802700 1.38964900 25 54 636859 150885
CT14 7TL 51.20754300 1.39081800 12 26 636943 150835
CT14 7TN 51.20748400 1.39132900 20 57 636979 150830
CT14 7TP 51.20010600 1.38889700 13 22 636847 150002
CT14 7TQ 51.20908700 1.39096000 30 79 636945 151007
CT14 7TR 51.21870800 1.40159300 7 11 637638 152111
CT14 7TS 51.20339300 1.39032600 1 3 636930 150372
CT14 7TU 51.19933700 1.38282700 N/A N/A 636427 149897
CT14 7TX 51.20195300 1.38817300 18 31 636787 150205
CT14 7TZ 51.20066400 1.38299600 N/A N/A 636432 150045
CT14 7UA 51.21313500 1.40052300 6 8 637592 151488
CT14 7UB 51.19974300 1.39087500 37 94 636987 149968
CT14 7UE 51.21523200 1.39927400 54 135 637494 151717
CT14 7UF 51.21573300 1.39933900 13 21 637496 151773
CT14 7UG 51.20295000 1.39564800 41 85 637304 150340
CT14 7UH 51.21477800 1.39878200 10 23 637462 151665
CT14 7UJ 51.20012100 1.38680600 21 50 636701 149997
CT14 7UL 51.20798600 1.39384300 N/A N/A 637152 150894
CT14 7UN 51.21583400 1.40080800 10 35 637598 151789
CT14 7UP 51.22043400 1.40103200 24 24 637590 152301
CT14 7UQ 51.20363800 1.39677400 25 45 637379 150420
CT14 7UT 51.21014700 1.40025900 5 8 637589 151155
CT14 7UW 51.22191200 1.40185800 5 5 637640 152468
CT14 7XA 51.19828500 1.38748900 11 24 636758 149795
CT14 7XB 51.19894900 1.38786700 22 40 636781 149870
CT14 7XD 51.19882100 1.38729900 7 15 636742 149854
CT14 7XE 51.19729500 1.38781600 37 94 636786 149686
CT14 7XH 51.21633100 1.40138900 5 13 637636 151846
CT14 7XP 51.21683100 1.39901900 17 43 637468 151894
CT14 7XQ 51.21768800 1.39956900 9 11 637502 151991
CT14 7XR 51.21635600 1.39866900 26 44 637446 151840
CT14 7XS 51.21699500 1.39833000 31 59 637419 151910
CT14 7XT 51.21766700 1.39905200 17 34 637466 151987
CT14 7XU 51.21713900 1.39987300 34 51 637526 151931
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