PO16 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO16 9 is a postcode sector in Fareham, UK. Below is a complete list of PO16 9 Postcodes (Active). PO16 9 postcode sector comprises of 244 active postcodes. PO16 9 sector has a population of 8601, and it has 3754 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO16 9 postcode sector

PO16 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8601
Addresses / Property Count 3754
Active Postcodes 244
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of PO16 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 244 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO16 9JB 50.84200400 -1.13391000 43 92 461077 105077
PO16 9JD 50.84217100 -1.13586700 15 22 460939 105094
PO16 9JE 50.84163100 -1.13576400 19 39 460947 105034
PO16 9JF 50.84118100 -1.13580000 6 12 460945 104984
PO16 9JG 50.84075000 -1.13580800 2 4 460945 104936
PO16 9JH 50.84292400 -1.13676200 11 25 460875 105177
PO16 9JQ 50.84164400 -1.13631700 41 97 460908 105035
PO16 9JS 50.84300100 -1.12409200 31 83 461767 105196
PO16 9JT 50.84296800 -1.12454700 34 74 461735 105192
PO16 9JU 50.84067700 -1.12245900 15 28 461885 104939
PO16 9JX 50.84076300 -1.12304000 9 18 461844 104948
PO16 9JY 50.84075100 -1.12390700 23 54 461783 104946
PO16 9JZ 50.84014900 -1.12390400 26 52 461784 104879
PO16 9LA 50.83950900 -1.12020900 34 86 462045 104811
PO16 9LB 50.84027400 -1.12144400 26 53 461957 104895
PO16 9LD 50.83982800 -1.12307200 15 26 461843 104844
PO16 9LE 50.83952000 -1.12404300 27 56 461775 104809
PO16 9LF 50.83915000 -1.12273000 8 15 461868 104769
PO16 9LG 50.83910300 -1.12234700 7 11 461895 104764
PO16 9LH 50.83963700 -1.12169800 17 22 461940 104824
PO16 9LJ 50.83883500 -1.12263600 4 10 461875 104734
PO16 9LL 50.83924300 -1.12421900 23 40 461763 104778
PO16 9LN 50.83949400 -1.12661400 8 18 461594 104804
PO16 9LP 50.83887200 -1.12402700 15 38 461777 104737
PO16 9LQ 50.83875700 -1.12187000 13 36 461929 104726
PO16 9LR 50.83788500 -1.12300900 46 140 461850 104628
PO16 9LS 50.83723300 -1.12366000 26 56 461805 104555
PO16 9LT 50.83595700 -1.12156900 1 2 461954 104415
PO16 9LU 50.83806000 -1.12485200 30 79 461720 104646
PO16 9LW 50.83910300 -1.12599700 8 18 461638 104761
PO16 9LX 50.83769400 -1.12395000 14 40 461784 104606
PO16 9NA 50.84069200 -1.12085400 13 35 461998 104942
PO16 9NB 50.84637600 -1.12206800 56 63 461905 105573
PO16 9NE 50.84038000 -1.12723700 48 95 461549 104902
PO16 9NF 50.83971600 -1.12857000 19 39 461456 104827
PO16 9NG 50.83830800 -1.12913600 5 12 461418 104670
PO16 9NH 50.83871500 -1.12823400 38 87 461481 104716
PO16 9NJ 50.83791200 -1.12790800 13 35 461505 104627
PO16 9NL 50.83958000 -1.12725200 8 15 461549 104813
PO16 9NN 50.83829200 -1.12693500 40 81 461573 104670
PO16 9NP 50.83811000 -1.12541900 44 91 461680 104651
PO16 9NQ 50.83854000 -1.13009700 6 11 461350 104695
PO16 9NR 50.83972400 -1.12605600 15 30 461633 104830
PO16 9NS 50.83985400 -1.12534400 24 49 461683 104845
PO16 9NT 50.84046000 -1.12584400 18 52 461647 104912
PO16 9NU 50.84095600 -1.12601900 21 58 461634 104967
PO16 9NW 50.83743300 -1.12631200 8 13 461618 104575
PO16 9NX 50.84104000 -1.12522200 16 50 461690 104977
PO16 9NY 50.84296900 -1.12592500 32 90 461638 105191
PO16 9NZ 50.84298300 -1.12537000 35 102 461677 105193
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