PO16 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO16 9 is a postcode sector in Fareham, UK. Below is a complete list of PO16 9 Postcodes (Active). PO16 9 postcode sector comprises of 244 active postcodes. PO16 9 sector has a population of 8601, and it has 3754 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO16 9 postcode sector

PO16 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8601
Addresses / Property Count 3754
Active Postcodes 244
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of PO16 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-244 of 244 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO16 9TB 50.84778800 -1.14522400 7 19 460273 105711
PO16 9TD 50.84773800 -1.14444400 4 7 460328 105706
PO16 9TE 50.84748000 -1.14234600 28 73 460476 105679
PO16 9TF 50.84718400 -1.14256500 42 103 460461 105646
PO16 9TG 50.84773100 -1.13981300 9 20 460654 105709
PO16 9TH 50.84768100 -1.14156100 6 28 460531 105702
PO16 9TJ 50.84815700 -1.14149600 10 21 460535 105755
PO16 9TL 50.84824900 -1.14298500 12 36 460430 105764
PO16 9TN 50.84775800 -1.14231300 14 41 460478 105710
PO16 9TP 50.84842200 -1.14448800 20 53 460324 105782
PO16 9TQ 50.84800000 -1.14091600 12 28 460576 105738
PO16 9TR 50.84813100 -1.14528900 12 46 460268 105749
PO16 9TS 50.84838100 -1.14634900 7 21 460193 105776
PO16 9TU 50.84646600 -1.12688200 N/A N/A 461566 105579
PO16 9TW 50.84783700 -1.14329100 9 17 460409 105718
PO16 9TX 50.84648900 -1.12641300 N/A N/A 461599 105582
PO16 9UA 50.84780300 -1.13736800 15 28 460826 105719
PO16 9UB 50.84720600 -1.13567500 8 20 460946 105654
PO16 9UD 50.84673600 -1.13422100 9 20 461049 105603
PO16 9UE 50.84636500 -1.13260800 12 31 461163 105563
PO16 9UF 50.84633300 -1.13073400 10 25 461295 105561
PO16 9UG 50.84626700 -1.12921500 7 21 461402 105555
PO16 9UH 50.84581500 -1.12891100 15 19 461424 105505
PO16 9UL 50.84588100 -1.12801500 7 14 461487 105513
PO16 9UN 50.84604200 -1.12669100 11 18 461580 105532
PO16 9UQ 50.84586700 -1.12854100 4 10 461450 105511
PO16 9UW 50.84607900 -1.12568200 1 2 461651 105537
PO16 9UX 50.84620300 -1.12425900 N/A N/A 461751 105552
PO16 9UY 50.84624700 -1.12526700 4 7 461680 105556
PO16 9UZ 50.84622000 -1.12421600 14 21 461754 105554
PO16 9XB 50.84659300 -1.12479200 10 16 461713 105595
PO16 9XE 50.84587100 -1.13031600 20 53 461325 105510
PO16 9XF 50.84588300 -1.13322800 1 3 461120 105509
PO16 9XG 50.84632200 -1.13530800 10 22 460973 105556
PO16 9XH 50.84573600 -1.13644100 43 108 460894 105490
PO16 9XN 50.84687100 -1.13666100 13 25 460877 105616
PO16 9XP 50.84648500 -1.12580200 11 16 461642 105582
PO16 9XQ 50.84711900 -1.13729600 6 12 460832 105643
PO16 9XR 50.84665500 -1.13659400 10 12 460882 105592
PO16 9XS 50.84743300 -1.11916500 N/A N/A 462108 105693
PO16 9XT 50.84686500 -1.12132100 23 51 461957 105628
PO16 9YA 50.84282200 -1.14243100 14 27 460476 105161
PO16 9YB 50.84223200 -1.14161800 23 56 460534 105096
PO16 9YD 50.84261100 -1.14070200 38 73 460598 105139
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