PO16 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO16 9 is a postcode sector in Fareham, UK. Below is a complete list of PO16 9 Postcodes (Active). PO16 9 postcode sector comprises of 244 active postcodes. PO16 9 sector has a population of 8601, and it has 3754 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO16 9 postcode sector

PO16 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8601
Addresses / Property Count 3754
Active Postcodes 244
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of PO16 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 244 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO16 9PA 50.84437500 -1.12632400 15 44 461608 105347
PO16 9PB 50.84415100 -1.12533500 12 29 461678 105323
PO16 9PD 50.84457300 -1.12392000 32 82 461777 105371
PO16 9PN 50.84641300 -1.12101700 21 55 461979 105578
PO16 9PP 50.84618200 -1.12261200 2 4 461867 105551
PO16 9PR 50.84420500 -1.12047600 44 107 462020 105333
PO16 9PS 50.84593600 -1.12334100 N/A N/A 461816 105523
PO16 9PT 50.84487300 -1.12436900 30 31 461745 105404
PO16 9PU 50.84489200 -1.12213900 17 41 461902 105408
PO16 9PW 50.84525000 -1.12068300 39 96 462004 105449
PO16 9PX 50.84388400 -1.12193100 11 27 461918 105296
PO16 9PY 50.84489600 -1.12266400 17 39 461865 105408
PO16 9PZ 50.84376200 -1.12255800 7 21 461874 105282
PO16 9QA 50.84139000 -1.12042900 6 10 462027 105020
PO16 9QD 50.84615900 -1.12318000 N/A N/A 461827 105548
PO16 9QG 50.84251600 -1.12065000 25 61 462010 105145
PO16 9QH 50.84044200 -1.11870000 36 78 462150 104916
PO16 9QJ 50.83937400 -1.11556800 1 1 462372 104800
PO16 9QL 50.83862900 -1.11683100 7 15 462284 104716
PO16 9QN 50.83876500 -1.11332100 N/A N/A 462531 104734
PO16 9QP 50.83698300 -1.11679100 3 6 462289 104533
PO16 9QQ 50.84237500 -1.12106400 9 27 461981 105129
PO16 9QR 50.83830900 -1.11722100 5 9 462257 104680
PO16 9QS 50.84330900 -1.12087600 2 4 461993 105233
PO16 9QT 50.83845900 -1.11815600 2 6 462191 104696
PO16 9QW 50.83798700 -1.11637500 7 16 462317 104645
PO16 9QX 50.84016600 -1.11903200 41 92 462127 104885
PO16 9RD 50.84801700 -1.11905500 N/A N/A 462115 105758
PO16 9RE 50.84504100 -1.12521800 20 59 461685 105422
PO16 9RF 50.84456700 -1.12551100 8 15 461665 105369
PO16 9RG 50.84527000 -1.12571100 6 14 461650 105447
PO16 9RJ 50.84498700 -1.12638400 16 50 461603 105415
PO16 9RL 50.84521100 -1.12741700 25 54 461530 105439
PO16 9RN 50.84557900 -1.12742400 26 47 461529 105480
PO16 9RP 50.84517800 -1.13021600 33 61 461333 105433
PO16 9RQ 50.84579300 -1.12597100 5 11 461631 105505
PO16 9RR 50.84409900 -1.13148500 25 54 461245 105312
PO16 9RS 50.84425300 -1.13036100 29 53 461324 105330
PO16 9RT 50.84362300 -1.13031500 33 65 461328 105260
PO16 9RU 50.84328100 -1.13035000 28 51 461326 105222
PO16 9RW 50.84545800 -1.12925900 2 3 461400 105465
PO16 9RX 50.84387300 -1.12897600 30 61 461422 105289
PO16 9RY 50.84249700 -1.13015200 10 17 461341 105135
PO16 9RZ 50.84249200 -1.12939900 10 16 461394 105135
PO16 9SD 50.84489500 -1.11894300 N/A N/A 462127 105411
PO16 9SE 50.84691300 -1.11947300 N/A N/A 462087 105635
PO16 9SF 50.84523300 -1.11848200 N/A N/A 462159 105449
PO16 9SY 50.84853800 -1.14684400 13 26 460158 105793
PO16 9SZ 50.84849900 -1.14891800 28 72 460012 105787
PO16 9TA 50.84803400 -1.14811700 40 108 460069 105736
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