SE13 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SE13 5 is a postcode sector in Lewisham, UK. Below is a complete list of SE13 5 Postcodes (Active). SE13 5 postcode sector comprises of 218 active postcodes. SE13 5 sector has a population of 12091, and it has 5462 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SE13 5 postcode sector

SE13 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12091
Addresses / Property Count 5462
Active Postcodes 218
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SE13 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 218 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SE13 5HP 51.45780700 -0.00629100 15 29 538611 175088
SE13 5HQ 51.45595300 -0.00670300 9 22 538588 174881
SE13 5HS 51.45774800 -0.00437900 51 136 538744 175085
SE13 5HT 51.45873500 -0.00426400 2 2 538749 175195
SE13 5HU 51.45791900 -0.00388500 91 190 538778 175105
SE13 5HW 51.45741200 -0.00528600 54 105 538682 175046
SE13 5HX 51.45610000 -0.00374600 26 68 538793 174903
SE13 5HY 51.45499000 -0.00298800 33 77 538849 174781
SE13 5HZ 51.45582000 -0.00419000 42 109 538763 174871
SE13 5JB 51.45553400 -0.00482100 25 72 538720 174838
SE13 5JD 51.45424100 -0.00280500 29 69 538864 174698
SE13 5JE 51.45495700 -0.00473400 59 107 538728 174774
SE13 5JH 51.46291000 -0.01075100 7 20 538286 175647
SE13 5JJ 51.46291000 -0.01075100 N/A N/A 538286 175647
SE13 5JQ 51.46497200 -0.00985200 11 28 538342 175878
SE13 5JX 51.46289000 -0.00957100 N/A N/A 538368 175647
SE13 5JZ 51.46327100 -0.00978200 N/A N/A 538352 175689
SE13 5LB 51.46231500 -0.00697300 8 16 538550 175588
SE13 5LD 51.46251800 -0.00885300 7 15 538419 175607
SE13 5LE 51.46198600 -0.00555100 32 78 538650 175554
SE13 5LF 51.46210000 -0.00862300 7 12 538436 175561
SE13 5LG 51.46188400 -0.00643300 47 118 538589 175541
SE13 5LH 51.46197700 -0.00668500 5 10 538571 175551
SE13 5LN 51.46325700 -0.01109200 N/A N/A 538261 175685
SE13 5LP 51.45422400 -0.00075000 37 74 539007 174700
SE13 5LQ 51.46209600 -0.00891100 N/A N/A 538416 175560
SE13 5LR 51.45403000 -0.00098900 24 57 538991 174678
SE13 5LS 51.45235200 0.00144500 46 101 539165 174496
SE13 5LT 51.45177300 0.00373700 83 171 539326 174436
SE13 5LU 51.45264600 0.00368900 20 46 539320 174533
SE13 5LW 51.45386700 -0.00148300 34 75 538957 174659
SE13 5LX 51.45294100 0.00220500 21 48 539216 174563
SE13 5LY 51.45315900 0.00156700 10 22 539171 174586
SE13 5LZ 51.45341500 0.00078600 13 35 539116 174613
SE13 5NA 51.45284400 0.00155300 42 111 539171 174551
SE13 5NB 51.45308000 -0.00013800 28 46 539053 174574
SE13 5ND 51.45327600 -0.00050400 15 30 539027 174595
SE13 5NF 51.45209700 0.00052700 32 69 539102 174466
SE13 5NG 51.45135700 0.00281200 28 68 539263 174388
SE13 5NH 51.45140200 0.00386500 47 106 539336 174395
SE13 5NJ 51.45189700 0.00224600 8 15 539222 174447
SE13 5NL 51.45223400 0.00093600 50 125 539130 174482
SE13 5NN 51.45362600 -0.00157900 33 79 538951 174632
SE13 5NP 51.45370400 -0.00244000 14 59 538891 174639
SE13 5NQ 51.45097400 0.00470900 34 80 539396 174349
SE13 5NS 51.46169600 -0.00655300 8 24 538581 175520
SE13 5NZ 51.46010700 -0.00404600 3 13 538760 175348
SE13 5PA 51.45947200 -0.00215900 49 81 538893 175281
SE13 5PB 51.45901200 -0.00258500 36 66 538865 175229
SE13 5PD 51.45994800 -0.00474400 13 32 538712 175329
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