SE13 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SE13 5 is a postcode sector in Lewisham, UK. Below is a complete list of SE13 5 Postcodes (Active). SE13 5 postcode sector comprises of 218 active postcodes. SE13 5 sector has a population of 12091, and it has 5462 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SE13 5 postcode sector

SE13 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12091
Addresses / Property Count 5462
Active Postcodes 218
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SE13 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 218 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SE13 5PE 51.45880800 -0.00115200 47 93 538965 175209
SE13 5PF 51.45873400 0.00107300 35 69 539120 175205
SE13 5PH 51.45885200 0.00312300 N/A N/A 539262 175222
SE13 5PJ 51.45851300 0.00452200 31 62 539360 175187
SE13 5PL 51.45843200 0.00035500 87 230 539071 175170
SE13 5PQ 51.45888200 0.00448000 33 52 539356 175228
SE13 5PR 51.45934300 -0.00403900 7 22 538763 175263
SE13 5PT 51.46134500 -0.00654000 15 29 538583 175481
SE13 5PY 51.45909200 -0.00361500 N/A N/A 538793 175236
SE13 5PZ 51.45859600 -0.00297500 17 40 538839 175182
SE13 5QA 51.45924000 -0.01335400 N/A N/A 538116 175234
SE13 5QB 51.45799300 -0.00295800 19 58 538842 175115
SE13 5QE 51.45758100 -0.00091700 28 88 538985 175073
SE13 5QF 51.45786300 -0.00060300 16 46 539006 175105
SE13 5QG 51.45750600 0.00030300 28 58 539070 175067
SE13 5QH 51.45794600 -0.00018200 30 91 539035 175115
SE13 5QJ 51.45785600 0.00139800 32 96 539145 175108
SE13 5QL 51.45647700 0.00210000 30 80 539198 174956
SE13 5QP 51.45586400 0.00325400 43 124 539280 174890
SE13 5QQ 51.45723600 0.00030600 31 74 539071 175037
SE13 5QR 51.45594700 0.00154500 13 27 539161 174896
SE13 5QS 51.45598300 0.00205000 8 24 539196 174901
SE13 5QT 51.45602400 -0.00032600 99 215 539031 174901
SE13 5QU 51.45780900 0.00201500 52 124 539188 175104
SE13 5QW 51.45663700 0.00324500 32 90 539277 174976
SE13 5QX 51.45585100 0.00033100 54 131 539077 174883
SE13 5QY 51.45520900 -0.00002800 29 68 539054 174811
SE13 5QZ 51.45706000 -0.00146100 79 165 538949 175014
SE13 5RA 51.45450600 0.00063000 25 79 539102 174734
SE13 5RB 51.45520200 0.00150900 24 65 539161 174813
SE13 5RD 51.45514600 0.00208500 28 73 539201 174808
SE13 5RE 51.45481700 0.00240200 25 76 539224 174772
SE13 5RF 51.45459800 0.00259400 20 63 539238 174748
SE13 5RG 51.45434000 0.00297100 30 102 539265 174720
SE13 5RH 51.45332200 0.00256400 43 106 539240 174606
SE13 5RL 51.45481900 -0.00085100 76 169 538998 174766
SE13 5RN 51.45708100 -0.00220600 92 198 538897 175015
SE13 5RP 51.45976000 -0.00109600 55 79 538966 175315
SE13 5RQ 51.45353200 0.00339700 19 53 539297 174631
SE13 5RR 51.45922700 0.00063700 27 37 539088 175259
SE13 5RS 51.45953300 0.00059300 70 154 539084 175293
SE13 5RT 51.45935000 0.00133400 27 50 539136 175274
SE13 5RU 51.45918600 -0.00067400 46 62 538997 175252
SE13 5RX 51.45967200 0.00200700 30 32 539182 175311
SE13 5RY 51.46029100 0.00200800 12 19 539180 175380
SE13 5RZ 51.45992800 0.00225100 16 42 539198 175340
SE13 5SA 51.45988000 0.00292600 36 71 539245 175336
SE13 5SB 51.46055500 0.00343100 29 57 539278 175412
SE13 5SD 51.46019100 0.00368500 19 36 539297 175372
SE13 5SE 51.45943800 0.00352600 23 47 539288 175288
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