SE13 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SE13 5 is a postcode sector in Lewisham, UK. Below is a complete list of SE13 5 Postcodes (Active). SE13 5 postcode sector comprises of 218 active postcodes. SE13 5 sector has a population of 12091, and it has 5462 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SE13 5 postcode sector

SE13 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12091
Addresses / Property Count 5462
Active Postcodes 218
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SE13 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-218 of 218 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SE13 5SF 51.45951900 0.00404700 30 78 539324 175298
SE13 5SG 51.45960100 0.00507300 24 38 539395 175309
SE13 5SH 51.46101900 0.00467500 6 15 539363 175466
SE13 5SJ 51.46069900 0.00555300 34 89 539425 175432
SE13 5SL 51.46004200 0.00558200 48 50 539429 175359
SE13 5SN 51.45911500 0.00559900 9 16 539433 175256
SE13 5SP 51.45899600 0.00622700 25 42 539477 175244
SE13 5SQ 51.46035000 0.00487600 39 83 539379 175392
SE13 5SR 51.45777000 0.00539600 10 25 539423 175106
SE13 5SS 51.45815700 0.00377200 10 17 539309 175146
SE13 5SU 51.45813000 0.00435800 41 74 539350 175144
SE13 5SW 51.45953800 0.00616100 23 30 539471 175304
SE13 5SX 51.45827200 0.00495700 13 34 539391 175161
SE13 5SY 51.45731800 0.00450900 N/A N/A 539363 175054
SE13 5SZ 51.45753000 0.00366900 88 106 539304 175076
SE13 5TA 51.45810700 0.00300700 18 43 539256 175139
SE13 5TB 51.45908200 0.00330900 13 29 539274 175248
SE13 5TF 51.45881300 0.00381500 6 13 539310 175219
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