SY11 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY11 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY11 1 Postcodes (Active). SY11 1 postcode sector comprises of 248 active postcodes. SY11 1 sector has a population of 6337, and it has 2982 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY11 1 postcode sector

SY11 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6337
Addresses / Property Count 2982
Active Postcodes 248
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SY11 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 248 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY11 1DW 52.86605800 -3.05557700 25 72 329037 330364
SY11 1DX 52.86350000 -3.05104300 15 29 329338 330075
SY11 1DY 52.86336300 -3.05126300 16 37 329323 330060
SY11 1DZ 52.86122900 -3.05066200 N/A N/A 329360 329822
SY11 1EA 52.86373700 -3.05268300 10 33 329228 330103
SY11 1EB 52.86343900 -3.05252600 18 33 329238 330070
SY11 1ED 52.86444500 -3.05099200 31 92 329343 330180
SY11 1EE 52.86478800 -3.05178700 8 18 329290 330219
SY11 1EF 52.86523300 -3.05132300 9 22 329322 330268
SY11 1EG 52.86573900 -3.05096400 7 15 329347 330324
SY11 1EH 52.86475900 -3.04996000 7 17 329413 330214
SY11 1EJ 52.86485400 -3.04942700 13 23 329449 330224
SY11 1EL 52.86391700 -3.04861700 25 49 329502 330119
SY11 1EN 52.86469600 -3.04899300 27 62 329478 330206
SY11 1EP 52.86668300 -3.04893700 23 59 329485 330427
SY11 1EQ 52.86544800 -3.05036300 7 16 329387 330291
SY11 1ER 52.86611200 -3.04849200 19 48 329514 330363
SY11 1ES 52.86296100 -3.05202600 N/A N/A 329271 330016
SY11 1ET 52.86620800 -3.04736400 30 72 329590 330373
SY11 1EW 52.86621000 -3.05018600 34 80 329400 330376
SY11 1EX 52.86692800 -3.04769500 32 86 329569 330453
SY11 1EY 52.86614000 -3.04635300 6 13 329658 330364
SY11 1EZ 52.86566600 -3.04607500 8 16 329676 330311
SY11 1FA 52.85914400 -3.06029400 N/A N/A 328708 329600
SY11 1FB 52.86272200 -3.05935600 N/A N/A 328777 329997
SY11 1FD 52.86309300 -3.05038000 12 19 329382 330029
SY11 1FE 52.86412300 -3.05276700 23 33 329223 330146
SY11 1FF 52.86733300 -3.04923300 N/A N/A 329466 330500
SY11 1GA 52.86281000 -3.04777400 N/A N/A 329557 329995
SY11 1GB 52.86374300 -3.04801900 N/A N/A 329542 330099
SY11 1GD 52.86249600 -3.05884700 5 8 328811 329971
SY11 1HA 52.86560400 -3.04690500 18 56 329620 330305
SY11 1HB 52.86487400 -3.04714000 8 14 329603 330224
SY11 1HD 52.86518500 -3.04762300 5 10 329571 330259
SY11 1HE 52.86462100 -3.04833700 16 40 329522 330197
SY11 1HF 52.86538700 -3.04813300 19 46 329537 330282
SY11 1HG 52.86401100 -3.05025400 39 59 329392 330131
SY11 1HH 52.86415600 -3.04807300 7 10 329539 330145
SY11 1HJ 52.86216500 -3.06366600 4 9 328486 329939
SY11 1HL 52.86253700 -3.05124300 12 15 329323 329968
SY11 1HN 52.86272500 -3.05127700 4 10 329321 329989
SY11 1HP 52.86313500 -3.05029000 2 4 329388 330034
SY11 1HQ 52.86343900 -3.04881400 18 22 329488 330066
SY11 1HR 52.86334200 -3.04965800 8 24 329431 330056
SY11 1HS 52.86311700 -3.04721500 N/A N/A 329595 330029
SY11 1HT 52.86413400 -3.04752300 14 34 329576 330142
SY11 1HU 52.86543500 -3.04569800 15 35 329701 330285
SY11 1HW 52.86290600 -3.05110300 5 7 329333 330009
SY11 1HY 52.86598700 -3.04329000 19 47 329864 330344
SY11 1HZ 52.86638400 -3.04267400 N/A N/A 329906 330388
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