SY11 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY11 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY11 1 Postcodes (Active). SY11 1 postcode sector comprises of 248 active postcodes. SY11 1 sector has a population of 6337, and it has 2982 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY11 1 postcode sector

SY11 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6337
Addresses / Property Count 2982
Active Postcodes 248
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SY11 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 248 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY11 1JA 52.86657300 -3.04303600 11 19 329882 330409
SY11 1JB 52.86645700 -3.04157600 5 11 329980 330395
SY11 1JD 52.86700200 -3.04025400 16 39 330070 330454
SY11 1JE 52.86770300 -3.03831000 N/A N/A 330202 330530
SY11 1JF 52.86686400 -3.03959700 9 17 330114 330438
SY11 1JG 52.86604500 -3.04135800 N/A N/A 329994 330349
SY11 1JH 52.86655100 -3.04004800 13 21 330083 330404
SY11 1JL 52.86016800 -3.05683000 1 1 328943 329710
SY11 1JN 52.86056500 -3.05624400 1 1 328983 329754
SY11 1JQ 52.86709900 -3.03851800 18 24 330187 330463
SY11 1JR 52.86030500 -3.05557100 N/A N/A 329028 329724
SY11 1JS 52.86154100 -3.05404100 2 4 329133 329860
SY11 1JT 52.86565900 -3.04240400 N/A N/A 329923 330307
SY11 1JU 52.86151800 -3.05359500 5 13 329163 329857
SY11 1JY 52.86173400 -3.05453600 19 30 329100 329882
SY11 1JZ 52.86170800 -3.05643600 44 73 328972 329881
SY11 1LA 52.86126100 -3.05785000 2 6 328876 329833
SY11 1LB 52.86230100 -3.05556000 10 24 329032 329946
SY11 1LD 52.86242000 -3.05525100 19 43 329053 329959
SY11 1LE 52.86205400 -3.05597000 6 17 329004 329919
SY11 1LF 52.86114300 -3.05637800 5 17 328975 329818
SY11 1LG 52.86405000 -3.05692400 1 3 328943 330142
SY11 1LH 52.86129000 -3.05602500 4 7 328999 329834
SY11 1LJ 52.86193000 -3.05835600 23 33 328843 329908
SY11 1LL 52.86157400 -3.05800600 3 7 328866 329868
SY11 1LN 52.86195000 -3.05722800 5 14 328919 329909
SY11 1LP 52.86278600 -3.05456100 18 40 329100 329999
SY11 1LQ 52.86091800 -3.05632800 5 14 328978 329793
SY11 1LR 52.86248100 -3.05914200 N/A N/A 328791 329970
SY11 1LS 52.86262100 -3.05795900 41 84 328871 329984
SY11 1LT 52.86287900 -3.05722200 10 17 328921 330012
SY11 1LU 52.86352700 -3.05810000 20 31 328863 330085
SY11 1LW 52.86249700 -3.05972300 6 8 328752 329972
SY11 1LX 52.86336700 -3.05690800 30 58 328943 330066
SY11 1LY 52.86309800 -3.05681200 10 17 328949 330036
SY11 1NA 52.86402300 -3.05656500 14 21 328967 330139
SY11 1NB 52.86330300 -3.05605900 31 57 329000 330058
SY11 1ND 52.86256700 -3.05590800 5 7 329009 329976
SY11 1NE 52.86311300 -3.05522300 28 55 329056 330036
SY11 1NF 52.86235300 -3.05273900 15 34 329222 329949
SY11 1NG 52.86269600 -3.05311700 6 10 329197 329988
SY11 1NH 52.86328600 -3.05395000 39 74 329142 330054
SY11 1NJ 52.86374500 -3.05545900 38 74 329041 330107
SY11 1NL 52.86383900 -3.05436400 37 90 329115 330116
SY11 1NN 52.86442900 -3.05583400 14 42 329017 330183
SY11 1NP 52.86505800 -3.05541700 24 65 329046 330253
SY11 1NQ 52.86301400 -3.05314100 6 13 329196 330023
SY11 1NR 52.86627300 -3.05665100 19 46 328965 330389
SY11 1NS 52.86490800 -3.05756900 21 46 328901 330238
SY11 1NT 52.86521100 -3.05784400 23 31 328883 330272
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