SY11 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY11 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY11 1 Postcodes (Active). SY11 1 postcode sector comprises of 248 active postcodes. SY11 1 sector has a population of 6337, and it has 2982 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY11 1 postcode sector

SY11 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6337
Addresses / Property Count 2982
Active Postcodes 248
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of SY11 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-248 of 248 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY11 1RW 52.85790400 -3.05962600 23 56 328751 329461
SY11 1RX 52.85840100 -3.06335200 9 20 328501 329520
SY11 1RY 52.85732300 -3.06088800 N/A N/A 328665 329398
SY11 1RZ 52.85819200 -3.06365800 4 9 328480 329497
SY11 1SA 52.85745900 -3.06378700 2 3 328470 329416
SY11 1SB 52.85672900 -3.06739500 17 31 328226 329338
SY11 1SD 52.85894300 -3.06070500 N/A N/A 328680 329578
SY11 1SE 52.85825800 -3.06432800 19 34 328435 329505
SY11 1SF 52.85764000 -3.06605100 15 30 328318 329438
SY11 1SG 52.86051000 -3.06575000 7 15 328343 329757
SY11 1SH 52.85993900 -3.06494700 2 5 328396 329693
SY11 1SJ 52.86026800 -3.06369400 29 76 328481 329728
SY11 1SL 52.86112100 -3.06585400 19 29 328337 329825
SY11 1SN 52.86208800 -3.06422900 7 13 328448 329931
SY11 1SP 52.86227100 -3.06595700 18 37 328332 329953
SY11 1SQ 52.85589900 -3.06673600 5 10 328269 329245
SY11 1SR 52.86315200 -3.06490900 6 10 328404 330050
SY11 1SS 52.86395500 -3.06657700 8 17 328293 330141
SY11 1ST 52.86289200 -3.06684800 20 33 328273 330023
SY11 1SU 52.86164900 -3.06811000 12 25 328186 329886
SY11 1SW 52.86277600 -3.06570200 16 28 328350 330009
SY11 1SX 52.85851000 -3.06623600 15 29 328307 329535
SY11 1SY 52.85908900 -3.06590800 46 123 328330 329599
SY11 1SZ 52.85765600 -3.06830900 10 20 328166 329442
SY11 1TA 52.85725400 -3.06795700 11 26 328189 329397
SY11 1TB 52.86175000 -3.06890000 41 103 328133 329898
SY11 1TD 52.85942700 -3.06927300 19 44 328104 329640
SY11 1TE 52.86004000 -3.07012000 15 40 328048 329709
SY11 1TF 52.85933500 -3.07047400 8 15 328023 329631
SY11 1TG 52.85920300 -3.06873100 6 9 328140 329615
SY11 1TJ 52.86030200 -3.06296700 14 21 328530 329731
SY11 1TL 52.86041600 -3.06222800 30 45 328580 329743
SY11 1TN 52.86204200 -3.06942700 11 33 328098 329931
SY11 1TP 52.86262000 -3.06909900 7 19 328121 329995
SY11 1TQ 52.85543400 -3.06843300 38 118 328154 329195
SY11 1TR 52.85464800 -3.06784900 8 25 328192 329107
SY11 1TS 52.85754700 -3.06937600 30 58 328094 329431
SY11 1TT 52.85661600 -3.06893700 8 12 328122 329327
SY11 1TU 52.85797400 -3.06984700 6 22 328063 329479
SY11 1TW 52.85450200 -3.06909300 29 92 328108 329092
SY11 1UA 52.86725700 -3.04602400 44 108 329682 330488
SY11 1UB 52.86717400 -3.04527900 8 17 329732 330478
SY11 1UD 52.86708700 -3.04395500 11 26 329821 330467
SY11 1UE 52.86637200 -3.04450200 5 12 329783 330388
SY11 1UF 52.86720900 -3.04643900 5 15 329654 330483
SY11 1UT 52.86128100 -3.06998700 21 52 328059 329847
SY11 1UX 52.86095600 -3.06813800 9 22 328183 329809
SY11 1WA 52.84395000 -3.04056400 N/A N/A 330012 327890
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