YO31 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO31 0 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO31 0 Postcodes (Active). YO31 0 postcode sector comprises of 183 active postcodes. YO31 0 sector has a population of 6755, and it has 2666 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO31 0 postcode sector

YO31 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6755
Addresses / Property Count 2666
Active Postcodes 183
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of YO31 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 183 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO31 0PD 53.96322900 -1.04305800 5 11 462881 452329
YO31 0PE 53.96552000 -1.04517000 5 10 462739 452582
YO31 0PF 53.96561700 -1.04604500 31 84 462681 452592
YO31 0PG 53.96829200 -1.04109100 19 45 463002 452894
YO31 0PH 53.96736100 -1.04387800 13 35 462821 452788
YO31 0PJ 53.96546900 -1.05014000 N/A N/A 462413 452572
YO31 0PL 53.96042800 -1.05594900 23 47 462039 452006
YO31 0PN 53.96006800 -1.05365500 31 80 462190 451968
YO31 0PP 53.96072700 -1.05057700 17 46 462391 452044
YO31 0PQ 53.96863800 -1.04058000 27 63 463035 452933
YO31 0PR 53.96035700 -1.05040200 8 22 462403 452003
YO31 0PS 53.96014000 -1.05023100 11 16 462415 451979
YO31 0PT 53.96177000 -1.05058400 8 24 462389 452160
YO31 0PU 53.96156500 -1.05077100 13 39 462377 452137
YO31 0PW 53.96045000 -1.05299100 22 56 462233 452011
YO31 0PX 53.96184100 -1.05161900 20 42 462321 452167
YO31 0PY 53.96261100 -1.05120500 10 24 462347 452253
YO31 0PZ 53.96263700 -1.05225600 25 79 462278 452255
YO31 0QA 53.96337000 -1.05176700 10 27 462309 452337
YO31 0QB 53.96237100 -1.05043300 40 94 462398 452227
YO31 0QD 53.96111600 -1.04741900 10 17 462598 452090
YO31 0QE 53.96059100 -1.04811700 14 31 462553 452031
YO31 0QF 53.96065000 -1.04764300 14 27 462584 452038
YO31 0QG 53.96055900 -1.04639600 15 42 462666 452029
YO31 0QH 53.96272400 -1.04960200 40 91 462452 452267
YO31 0QJ 53.96250200 -1.04992700 39 106 462431 452242
YO31 0QL 53.96435700 -1.05046400 6 13 462393 452448
YO31 0QN 53.96464800 -1.05081400 5 11 462370 452480
YO31 0QP 53.96526600 -1.05166900 22 46 462313 452548
YO31 0QQ 53.96148600 -1.04769400 10 30 462579 452131
YO31 0QR 53.96489400 -1.05234800 5 9 462269 452506
YO31 0QS 53.96562500 -1.05274300 45 108 462242 452587
YO31 0QT 53.96465500 -1.05281100 15 41 462239 452479
YO31 0QU 53.96402400 -1.05146200 6 17 462328 452410
YO31 0QW 53.96461700 -1.05146400 7 17 462327 452476
YO31 0QX 53.96397800 -1.05253700 19 56 462258 452404
YO31 0QY 53.96361700 -1.05237100 6 22 462269 452364
YO31 0QZ 53.96349600 -1.05410200 12 38 462156 452349
YO31 0RA 53.96404200 -1.05380000 6 14 462175 452410
YO31 0RB 53.96447000 -1.05335800 28 94 462203 452458
YO31 0RD 53.96383800 -1.05415600 6 11 462152 452387
YO31 0RE 53.96418100 -1.05434600 9 13 462139 452425
YO31 0RF 53.96396100 -1.05491500 N/A N/A 462102 452400
YO31 0RH 53.96193100 -1.04826300 9 21 462541 452180
YO31 0RJ 53.96162500 -1.04477100 N/A N/A 462771 452149
YO31 0RL 53.96515000 -1.05866800 10 26 461854 452529
YO31 0RP 53.96538900 -1.05935800 4 12 461808 452555
YO31 0RQ 53.96182900 -1.04439400 N/A N/A 462795 452172
YO31 0RR 53.96515200 -1.06006400 8 18 461762 452528
YO31 0RS 53.96526800 -1.06114400 22 59 461691 452540
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