YO31 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO31 0 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO31 0 Postcodes (Active). YO31 0 postcode sector comprises of 183 active postcodes. YO31 0 sector has a population of 6755, and it has 2666 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO31 0 postcode sector

YO31 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6755
Addresses / Property Count 2666
Active Postcodes 183
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of YO31 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 183 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO31 0RT 53.96475700 -1.06240500 20 45 461609 452482
YO31 0RU 53.96445900 -1.06229600 13 36 461617 452449
YO31 0RW 53.96209800 -1.04319900 N/A N/A 462873 452203
YO31 0RX 53.96428000 -1.06114200 12 48 461693 452430
YO31 0RY 53.96429700 -1.05986100 16 41 461777 452433
YO31 0RZ 53.96482900 -1.06015400 8 17 461757 452492
YO31 0SA 53.96446100 -1.05911100 15 44 461826 452452
YO31 0SB 53.96373600 -1.05828900 19 45 461881 452372
YO31 0SD 53.96305700 -1.05879200 13 33 461849 452296
YO31 0SE 53.96332400 -1.05960300 17 60 461795 452325
YO31 0SF 53.96363900 -1.05742200 14 37 461938 452362
YO31 0SG 53.96094100 -1.04583800 N/A N/A 462702 452072
YO31 0SH 53.96268200 -1.05573600 17 53 462050 452257
YO31 0SJ 53.96114000 -1.04485800 N/A N/A 462766 452095
YO31 0SL 53.96326700 -1.05469600 12 46 462117 452323
YO31 0SN 53.96311000 -1.05523900 11 28 462082 452305
YO31 0SP 53.96316500 -1.05309800 9 20 462222 452313
YO31 0SR 53.96257400 -1.05451300 5 14 462130 452246
YO31 0SS 53.96258700 -1.05622000 14 39 462018 452246
YO31 0ST 53.96229200 -1.05636400 21 53 462009 452213
YO31 0SU 53.96186900 -1.05638900 20 60 462008 452166
YO31 0SW 53.96322400 -1.05378800 4 16 462177 452319
YO31 0SX 53.96162900 -1.05558600 25 75 462061 452140
YO31 0SY 53.96130400 -1.05539500 34 96 462074 452104
YO31 0SZ 53.96268300 -1.05358100 9 24 462191 452259
YO31 0TA 53.96239700 -1.05378600 8 25 462178 452227
YO31 0TB 53.96210200 -1.05283200 8 22 462241 452195
YO31 0TD 53.96136000 -1.05441900 28 89 462138 452111
YO31 0TE 53.96106100 -1.05413600 26 80 462157 452078
YO31 0TF 53.96108000 -1.05320600 26 82 462218 452081
YO31 0TG 53.96114700 -1.05248800 21 50 462265 452089
YO31 0TH 53.96127400 -1.05149400 10 12 462330 452104
YO31 0TJ 53.96005100 -1.05150700 8 19 462331 451968
YO31 0TL 53.96168000 -1.04150200 N/A N/A 462985 452158
YO31 0TN 53.96122500 -1.04087200 N/A N/A 463027 452108
YO31 0TP 53.96343700 -1.06372200 25 50 461525 452334
YO31 0TQ 53.96124200 -1.05196800 15 41 462299 452100
YO31 0TR 53.96425100 -1.06445000 22 41 461476 452424
YO31 0TS 53.96487200 -1.06330200 2 5 461550 452494
YO31 0TU 53.96365700 -1.06315300 5 16 461562 452359
YO31 0TX 53.96372000 -1.06196200 30 70 461640 452367
YO31 0TY 53.96363100 -1.05981500 20 55 461781 452359
YO31 0TZ 53.96308600 -1.06023900 25 75 461754 452298
YO31 0UA 53.96255900 -1.05951300 25 39 461802 452240
YO31 0UB 53.96224500 -1.05955100 15 34 461800 452205
YO31 0UD 53.96137400 -1.05971400 22 47 461791 452108
YO31 0UE 53.96003100 -1.06030100 7 7 461754 451958
YO31 0UF 53.96006300 -1.05984400 11 15 461784 451962
YO31 0UG 53.96028600 -1.05960100 7 19 461800 451987
YO31 0UH 53.96220800 -1.06169200 15 55 461660 452199
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