YO31 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO31 1 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO31 1 Postcodes (Active). YO31 1 postcode sector comprises of 119 active postcodes. YO31 1 sector has a population of 4475, and it has 2018 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO31 1 postcode sector

YO31 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4475
Addresses / Property Count 2018
Active Postcodes 119
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of YO31 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 119 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO31 1DR 53.97191500 -1.05484200 8 18 462095 453285
YO31 1DS 53.97338400 -1.05538800 23 47 462057 453448
YO31 1DT 53.97452900 -1.05353200 17 25 462177 453577
YO31 1DU 53.97415800 -1.05322100 40 73 462198 453536
YO31 1DX 53.97489100 -1.05384400 20 31 462156 453617
YO31 1DY 53.97506800 -1.05464800 44 87 462103 453636
YO31 1DZ 53.97450100 -1.05566700 5 9 462037 453572
YO31 1EA 53.97389400 -1.05735800 8 14 461927 453503
YO31 1EB 53.97434500 -1.05763200 14 25 461908 453553
YO31 1ED 53.97304300 -1.05660000 19 41 461978 453409
YO31 1EE 53.97316500 -1.05609400 22 58 462011 453423
YO31 1EF 53.97262400 -1.05699100 21 54 461953 453362
YO31 1EG 53.97239400 -1.05743800 19 38 461924 453336
YO31 1EH 53.97321600 -1.06028600 24 57 461736 453425
YO31 1EJ 53.97344900 -1.05904500 6 12 461817 453452
YO31 1EL 53.97211700 -1.05996000 6 12 461759 453303
YO31 1EQ 53.97172800 -1.05845900 18 41 461858 453261
YO31 1ES 53.97121100 -1.05224400 9 21 462266 453209
YO31 1ET 53.96932300 -1.04979300 41 93 462430 453001
YO31 1EU 53.97018200 -1.05047500 36 71 462384 453096
YO31 1EX 53.97040800 -1.04958600 25 44 462442 453122
YO31 1EY 53.97170500 -1.04987600 23 56 462421 453266
YO31 1EZ 53.97140600 -1.04617900 16 33 462664 453236
YO31 1HA 53.97086800 -1.04747100 10 22 462580 453175
YO31 1HB 53.97194200 -1.04798100 12 19 462545 453294
YO31 1HD 53.97099600 -1.04769700 9 10 462565 453189
YO31 1HE 53.97052700 -1.04641200 17 28 462650 453138
YO31 1HH 53.96967800 -1.04361100 34 66 462835 453046
YO31 1HJ 53.96982500 -1.04398900 30 55 462810 453062
YO31 1HL 53.97104800 -1.04403700 9 19 462805 453198
YO31 1HN 53.97139700 -1.04389200 12 25 462814 453237
YO31 1HP 53.97021400 -1.04548900 16 31 462711 453104
YO31 1HR 53.96998300 -1.04471700 39 84 462762 453079
YO31 1HS 53.97094100 -1.04870500 8 19 462499 453182
YO31 1HT 53.97423600 -1.04036600 9 13 463041 453556
YO31 1HU 53.97406800 -1.03956200 13 24 463094 453538
YO31 1HW 53.97002300 -1.04512800 15 26 462735 453083
YO31 1HX 53.97354300 -1.04027500 13 22 463048 453479
YO31 1HY 53.97462600 -1.03965600 13 24 463087 453600
YO31 1HZ 53.97367500 -1.03882400 21 49 463143 453495
YO31 1JA 53.97196800 -1.05127300 27 70 462329 453294
YO31 1JB 53.97372700 -1.05094300 50 128 462348 453490
YO31 1JD 53.97316800 -1.05071200 23 55 462364 453428
YO31 1JE 53.97432900 -1.04983200 12 26 462420 453558
YO31 1JF 53.97360200 -1.04884200 6 14 462486 453478
YO31 1JG 53.97317000 -1.04761700 3 5 462567 453431
YO31 1JH 53.97367400 -1.04429700 4 12 462784 453490
YO31 1JJ 53.97403500 -1.04335900 6 13 462845 453531
YO31 1JL 53.97507200 -1.04380800 5 16 462814 453646
YO31 1JN 53.97461700 -1.04309600 2 3 462861 453596
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