YO31 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO31 1 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO31 1 Postcodes (Active). YO31 1 postcode sector comprises of 119 active postcodes. YO31 1 sector has a population of 4475, and it has 2018 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO31 1 postcode sector

YO31 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4475
Addresses / Property Count 2018
Active Postcodes 119
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of YO31 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-119 of 119 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO31 1JP 53.97243300 -1.04080400 39 88 463015 453355
YO31 1JQ 53.97317100 -1.04540600 16 21 462712 453433
YO31 1JR 53.97289800 -1.04160100 28 63 462962 453406
YO31 1JS 53.97231000 -1.04225500 23 49 462920 453340
YO31 1JT 53.97270500 -1.04338900 23 61 462845 453383
YO31 1JU 53.97268300 -1.04288700 23 51 462878 453381
YO31 1JW 53.97495800 -1.04073100 18 47 463016 453636
YO31 1JX 53.97184500 -1.04592500 17 28 462680 453285
YO31 1JY 53.97194800 -1.04540400 14 29 462714 453297
YO31 1JZ 53.97186800 -1.04438400 21 38 462781 453289
YO31 1LA 53.97241000 -1.04470700 22 34 462759 453349
YO31 1LB 53.97305200 -1.04513500 23 43 462730 453420
YO31 1LD 53.97110500 -1.04220600 25 67 462925 453206
YO31 1LQ 53.97258100 -1.04700600 1 2 462608 453366
YO31 1RL 53.96610500 -1.05890000 3 12 461837 452635
YO31 1SG 53.96421500 -1.05750000 14 37 461932 452426
YO31 1SH 53.96515600 -1.05715900 24 63 461953 452531
YO31 1SJ 53.96394100 -1.05576300 4 14 462046 452397
YO31 1SQ 53.96449100 -1.05718900 15 31 461952 452457
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