YO8 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO8 6 is a postcode sector in East Riding of Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO8 6 Postcodes (Active). YO8 6 postcode sector comprises of 147 active postcodes. YO8 6 sector has a population of 4867, and it has 1932 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO8 6 postcode sector

YO8 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4867
Addresses / Property Count 1932
Active Postcodes 147
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of YO8 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 147 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO8 6NA 53.81843900 -0.90834300 11 39 471967 436348
YO8 6NB 53.81810800 -0.92047300 15 35 471169 436299
YO8 6ND 53.81795800 -0.91778900 10 28 471346 436285
YO8 6NF 53.81922000 -0.91722400 4 10 471381 436426
YO8 6NG 53.77731300 -0.99731000 1 1 466175 431686
YO8 6NH 53.77671800 -0.99401100 61 145 466393 431623
YO8 6NJ 53.77730100 -0.99390600 14 19 466399 431688
YO8 6NL 53.77851300 -0.99700300 11 28 466193 431820
YO8 6NN 53.78091800 -0.99646000 19 53 466225 432088
YO8 6NP 53.78150000 -0.99298600 5 13 466453 432156
YO8 6NQ 53.77755700 -0.99978800 14 34 466011 431711
YO8 6NR 53.78247900 -0.99716600 10 23 466176 432261
YO8 6NS 53.78202900 -0.99389900 37 82 466392 432214
YO8 6NT 53.78260500 -0.99297500 13 34 466452 432279
YO8 6NU 53.78538500 -0.99427400 68 185 466362 432587
YO8 6NW 53.78124500 -0.99695300 10 22 466192 432124
YO8 6NX 53.79203400 -0.99914500 3 10 466031 433322
YO8 6NY 53.81762400 -0.91568600 3 16 471485 436250
YO8 6NZ 53.78282100 -0.99407700 4 9 466379 432302
YO8 6PA 53.79575700 -0.99530100 4 8 466278 433740
YO8 6PB 53.79374700 -1.00549000 3 6 465610 433507
YO8 6PD 53.78815600 -1.01189100 7 19 465197 432879
YO8 6PE 53.78554400 -1.00998500 8 23 465327 432590
YO8 6PF 53.78082200 -0.99774200 10 26 466141 432076
YO8 6PG 53.78128100 -1.00207200 4 12 465855 432123
YO8 6PH 53.77541800 -0.98890300 3 12 466732 431483
YO8 6PJ 53.77323400 -0.98489900 1 6 466999 431244
YO8 6PL 53.76541100 -0.99609100 5 8 466274 430363
YO8 6PN 53.77035400 -1.00248300 N/A N/A 465845 430907
YO8 6PP 53.78168800 -0.99184300 16 36 466528 432178
YO8 6PQ 53.77798700 -0.99423800 3 8 466376 431764
YO8 6PR 53.82952200 -0.85514100 17 39 475450 437636
YO8 6PS 53.82745900 -0.85462000 19 43 475488 437407
YO8 6PT 53.82824000 -0.85480500 3 4 475474 437494
YO8 6PU 53.82777200 -0.85468100 6 10 475483 437442
YO8 6PW 53.77812300 -0.99548000 43 90 466294 431778
YO8 6PX 53.82342900 -0.84892000 22 53 475870 436965
YO8 6PY 53.83111500 -0.85939100 1 5 475167 437809
YO8 6PZ 53.83159000 -0.83578000 10 29 476720 437887
YO8 6QA 53.77133100 -0.97781400 8 20 467469 431039
YO8 6QB 53.77050100 -0.97736300 23 70 467500 430947
YO8 6QD 53.76442600 -0.97654000 14 41 467564 430272
YO8 6QE 53.76890700 -0.97916200 37 105 467384 430768
YO8 6QF 53.77055000 -0.97894000 17 42 467396 430951
YO8 6QG 53.77267700 -0.98045700 23 54 467293 431186
YO8 6QH 53.77560900 -0.97032000 3 10 467956 431522
YO8 6QJ 53.76845900 -0.97175900 19 67 467873 430725
YO8 6QL 53.76968800 -0.97670500 33 91 467545 430857
YO8 6QN 53.76733200 -0.97788000 7 20 467471 430594
YO8 6QP 53.76878800 -0.97685900 17 41 467536 430757
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