YO8 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO8 6 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO8 6 Postcodes (Active). YO8 6 postcode sector comprises of 147 active postcodes. YO8 6 sector has a population of 4867, and it has 1932 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO8 6 postcode sector

YO8 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4867
Addresses / Property Count 1932
Active Postcodes 147
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of YO8 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-147 of 147 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO8 6QR 53.76794100 -0.97549900 26 50 467627 430664
YO8 6QS 53.76645900 -0.97354700 35 86 467758 430501
YO8 6QT 53.76567400 -0.96692200 10 28 468196 430420
YO8 6QU 53.76637900 -0.97890500 24 62 467405 430487
YO8 6QW 53.76601100 -0.97792800 24 60 467470 430447
YO8 6QX 53.76405000 -0.97776300 30 86 467484 430229
YO8 6QY 53.76355000 -0.97812400 14 29 467461 430173
YO8 6QZ 53.76480100 -0.97721400 10 19 467519 430313
YO8 6RA 53.76418700 -0.98009600 36 104 467330 430242
YO8 6RB 53.76844500 -0.97456100 38 96 467688 430721
YO8 6RD 53.77003700 -0.97673700 3 9 467542 430896
YO8 6RE 53.77092900 -0.97697400 43 116 467525 430995
YO8 6RF 53.76890300 -0.97447400 7 17 467693 430772
YO8 6RG 53.76415700 -0.97873100 4 13 467420 430240
YO8 6RH 53.76763500 -0.97541500 24 57 467633 430630
YO8 6RJ 53.76318000 -0.97902800 28 89 467402 430131
YO8 6RL 53.76768400 -0.97803900 5 14 467460 430633
YO8 6RN 53.78379800 -0.99370500 6 14 466402 432411
YO8 6RP 53.76488700 -0.97046100 N/A N/A 467964 430329
YO8 6RQ 53.76473000 -0.98058300 4 10 467297 430302
YO8 6RR 53.76682600 -0.97098000 N/A N/A 467927 430544
YO8 6RS 53.82168100 -0.85405700 N/A N/A 475535 436765
YO8 6RT 53.78120300 -0.99595800 N/A N/A 466258 432120
YO8 6ST 53.79180100 -0.96850200 21 55 468050 433325
YO8 6SU 53.79365900 -0.96927600 2 6 467996 433531
YO8 6SX 53.79340400 -0.97014200 7 19 467939 433502
YO8 6SY 53.79293700 -0.96602400 4 11 468211 433454
YO8 6SZ 53.78998100 -0.96904700 1 2 468017 433122
YO8 6TA 53.79050300 -0.97011200 17 43 467946 433179
YO8 6TB 53.79091600 -0.97108900 4 9 467881 433224
YO8 6TD 53.79128700 -0.97277400 4 8 467769 433264
YO8 6TE 53.79280000 -0.96886600 3 13 468024 433436
YO8 6TF 53.78218100 -0.97161600 6 19 467860 432252
YO8 6UE 53.76836300 -0.97339500 14 30 467765 430713
YO8 6TG 53.77806600 -0.94789100 5 13 469430 431817
YO8 6UF 53.76761900 -0.97356500 20 71 467755 430630
YO8 6TH 53.80050100 -0.93671600 3 7 470129 434324
YO8 6UG 53.76717000 -0.97363600 9 17 467751 430580
YO8 6TQ 53.79016500 -0.94984100 5 16 469282 433161
YO8 6UD 53.76868900 -0.97364500 11 23 467748 430749
YO8 6YZ 53.76376800 -0.97522100 52 96 467652 430200
YO8 6WY 53.78493500 -1.06769900 N/A N/A 461525 432471
YO8 6YS 53.76169600 -0.96738300 1 1 468172 429977
YO8 6YT 53.77031500 -0.97990200 3 8 467333 430924
YO8 6YU 53.76578200 -0.97529300 9 25 467644 430424
YO8 6YX 53.76581300 -0.97682500 27 64 467543 430426
YO8 6YY 53.76521000 -0.97568700 43 98 467619 430360
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