GU4 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU4 7 is a postcode sector in Guildford, UK. Below is a complete list of GU4 7 Postcodes (Active). GU4 7 postcode sector comprises of 308 active postcodes. GU4 7 sector has a population of 10644, and it has 4484 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU4 7 postcode sector

GU4 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10644
Addresses / Property Count 4484
Active Postcodes 308
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of GU4 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 308 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU4 7HF 51.25319900 -0.54013100 20 39 501977 151460
GU4 7HG 51.25279200 -0.53921300 54 106 502042 151416
GU4 7HH 51.25336700 -0.53771800 50 103 502145 151482
GU4 7HJ 51.25355800 -0.53648000 16 44 502231 151505
GU4 7HL 51.25686900 -0.54024400 N/A N/A 501961 151868
GU4 7HN 51.25826900 -0.54217800 21 62 501823 152021
GU4 7HP 51.25796500 -0.54450900 20 42 501661 151984
GU4 7HQ 51.25370200 -0.53935600 9 20 502030 151517
GU4 7HR 51.25966100 -0.54370300 10 32 501713 152174
GU4 7HS 51.25673300 -0.53827800 2 3 502099 151856
GU4 7HT 51.25751000 -0.53897700 9 24 502048 151941
GU4 7HW 51.25705400 -0.54137100 5 15 501882 151887
GU4 7HX 51.25861100 -0.53953700 23 59 502006 152063
GU4 7HY 51.25946800 -0.53837700 17 42 502086 152160
GU4 7HZ 51.25989000 -0.53946100 30 85 502009 152205
GU4 7JA 51.26101600 -0.53749000 26 69 502144 152333
GU4 7JB 51.26207000 -0.53616700 24 67 502234 152452
GU4 7JD 51.26024900 -0.53655400 37 94 502211 152249
GU4 7JE 51.25868000 -0.53833800 25 75 502090 152072
GU4 7JF 51.26267200 -0.53755200 26 66 502136 152517
GU4 7JG 51.26200700 -0.53836200 27 73 502081 152442
GU4 7JH 51.25979400 -0.54188600 30 94 501840 152191
GU4 7JJ 51.25520600 -0.55621800 20 69 500850 151661
GU4 7JL 51.25875300 -0.54636200 24 31 501530 152069
GU4 7JN 51.25588200 -0.55560900 15 40 500891 151737
GU4 7JP 51.25488000 -0.55313300 41 119 501066 151629
GU4 7JQ 51.26281500 -0.53893800 12 36 502039 152531
GU4 7JS 51.25769800 -0.54565700 4 10 501581 151953
GU4 7JT 51.25729100 -0.54594900 14 30 501562 151907
GU4 7JU 51.26064700 -0.54779900 N/A N/A 501426 152278
GU4 7JX 51.26190700 -0.54044300 14 41 501936 152428
GU4 7JY 51.26151700 -0.54082800 13 29 501910 152384
GU4 7JZ 51.26105300 -0.53969600 18 48 501990 152334
GU4 7LA 51.26131100 -0.53878500 11 31 502053 152364
GU4 7LB 51.26485300 -0.53799900 15 49 502100 152759
GU4 7LD 51.26162600 -0.54165600 7 19 501852 152395
GU4 7LE 51.26319700 -0.53283400 5 10 502464 152582
GU4 7LF 51.26347500 -0.53992000 12 32 501969 152603
GU4 7LG 51.26388700 -0.53762800 26 68 502128 152652
GU4 7LH 51.26308700 -0.53432100 2 5 502361 152568
GU4 7LJ 51.26698900 -0.53568800 2 5 502256 153000
GU4 7LL 51.25889800 -0.54794800 15 40 501419 152083
GU4 7LN 51.25948200 -0.54790100 15 36 501421 152148
GU4 7LP 51.26035100 -0.54907700 19 36 501337 152243
GU4 7LQ 51.26416500 -0.53611500 23 49 502233 152685
GU4 7LR 51.25799300 -0.54893600 23 58 501352 151981
GU4 7LS 51.25745300 -0.54958400 21 57 501308 151920
GU4 7LT 51.25733000 -0.55005400 26 74 501275 151906
GU4 7LU 51.25968300 -0.55028800 9 24 501254 152167
GU4 7LW 51.25900800 -0.54952100 11 28 501309 152093
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