GU4 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU4 7 is a postcode sector in Guildford, UK. Below is a complete list of GU4 7 Postcodes (Active). GU4 7 postcode sector comprises of 308 active postcodes. GU4 7 sector has a population of 10644, and it has 4484 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU4 7 postcode sector

GU4 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10644
Addresses / Property Count 4484
Active Postcodes 308
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of GU4 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 308 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU4 7LX 51.26099400 -0.55016100 16 39 501260 152313
GU4 7LY 51.26132100 -0.55116800 15 35 501189 152348
GU4 7LZ 51.26311400 -0.55000800 4 13 501266 152549
GU4 7NA 51.26735700 -0.55960000 2 5 500588 153008
GU4 7NB 51.26162000 -0.55010500 N/A N/A 501262 152383
GU4 7ND 51.26439400 -0.55241900 11 33 501095 152688
GU4 7NE 51.26249200 -0.54696000 34 55 501480 152484
GU4 7NF 51.26300500 -0.54556800 11 20 501576 152543
GU4 7NG 51.26358700 -0.54608000 23 44 501539 152607
GU4 7NH 51.26290400 -0.54896800 26 46 501339 152527
GU4 7NJ 51.25633800 -0.55472100 34 64 500952 151789
GU4 7NL 51.25557000 -0.55443000 34 72 500974 151704
GU4 7NN 51.26880300 -0.57166100 26 63 499743 153152
GU4 7NP 51.26691100 -0.57354000 32 58 499616 152939
GU4 7NQ 51.26299500 -0.54761800 29 49 501433 152539
GU4 7NR 51.26707400 -0.57290400 21 32 499660 152958
GU4 7NS 51.26593200 -0.57223700 35 71 499709 152832
GU4 7NT 51.26737500 -0.57256500 20 37 499683 152992
GU4 7NU 51.26790100 -0.57145900 36 71 499759 153052
GU4 7NW 51.26867900 -0.57403000 37 96 499578 153135
GU4 7NX 51.26797800 -0.57038200 40 93 499834 153062
GU4 7NY 51.26606500 -0.56979600 15 38 499879 152850
GU4 7NZ 51.26831800 -0.56578400 5 16 500154 153106
GU4 7PA 51.26644200 -0.56905300 12 42 499930 152893
GU4 7PB 51.26729000 -0.56929900 19 49 499911 152987
GU4 7PD 51.26825600 -0.56740600 15 38 500041 153097
GU4 7PE 51.26992800 -0.56875900 15 29 499943 153281
GU4 7PF 51.26947400 -0.56797800 17 37 499998 153232
GU4 7PG 51.26841700 -0.56877700 26 66 499945 153113
GU4 7PH 51.26696600 -0.56996900 14 22 499865 152950
GU4 7PJ 51.25006500 -0.53111700 5 15 502613 151124
GU4 7PL 51.26805100 -0.55751400 N/A N/A 500732 153088
GU4 7PP 51.26450400 -0.57011700 1 1 499860 152676
GU4 7PR 51.26411200 -0.57855700 3 6 499272 152621
GU4 7PS 51.26576400 -0.57412800 22 52 499577 152811
GU4 7PT 51.26530000 -0.57275800 9 18 499674 152761
GU4 7PU 51.26730300 -0.57504100 17 39 499510 152981
GU4 7PX 51.26744000 -0.58011700 1 4 499156 152989
GU4 7PZ 51.27305800 -0.57693300 5 10 499366 153618
GU4 7QA 51.28513600 -0.58171700 2 5 499006 154955
GU4 7QB 51.27895900 -0.56848600 20 63 499942 154286
GU4 7QD 51.28102800 -0.55737300 36 91 500713 154531
GU4 7QE 51.28071400 -0.56056000 2 4 500491 154492
GU4 7QF 51.28493500 -0.56060600 27 59 500479 154961
GU4 7QG 51.28729300 -0.55714800 10 31 500715 155228
GU4 7QH 51.28182900 -0.55468900 2 5 500898 154624
GU4 7QJ 51.27593500 -0.56437100 3 6 500236 153955
GU4 7QL 51.27484500 -0.55837000 7 15 500657 153842
GU4 7QN 51.27314500 -0.55763400 4 8 500712 153654
GU4 7QP 51.27255700 -0.56539400 7 21 500172 153578
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