GU4 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU4 7 is a postcode sector in Woking, UK. Below is a complete list of GU4 7 Postcodes (Active). GU4 7 postcode sector comprises of 308 active postcodes. GU4 7 sector has a population of 10644, and it has 4484 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU4 7 postcode sector

GU4 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10644
Addresses / Property Count 4484
Active Postcodes 308
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of GU4 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-250 of 308 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU4 7QQ 51.28583200 -0.55095600 7 23 501150 155074
GU4 7QR 51.27014700 -0.56612900 16 49 500126 153309
GU4 7QS 51.26934900 -0.57736300 1 2 499344 153205
GU4 7QW 51.27649700 -0.55766600 2 4 500702 154027
GU4 7QX 51.27024300 -0.56734400 25 66 500041 153318
GU4 7QY 51.28004200 -0.55636500 5 10 500785 154423
GU4 7RB 51.26360300 -0.54810000 32 63 501398 152606
GU4 7RD 51.26432200 -0.54588500 18 35 501551 152689
GU4 7RE 51.26347900 -0.54678600 24 52 501490 152594
GU4 7RG 51.25101400 -0.50450600 9 21 504468 151267
GU4 7RH 51.24792500 -0.51191400 2 4 503958 150913
GU4 7RJ 51.24864800 -0.50027000 22 59 504769 151010
GU4 7RL 51.25343300 -0.48700200 13 31 505684 151561
GU4 7RN 51.25341500 -0.48151500 5 14 506067 151567
GU4 7RP 51.24813900 -0.47615800 5 18 506453 150988
GU4 7RQ 51.25101700 -0.51533900 9 22 503712 151252
GU4 7RR 51.25233200 -0.47911400 5 12 506237 151450
GU4 7RS 51.25430900 -0.48108400 8 14 506095 151667
GU4 7RT 51.25539800 -0.47512100 10 31 506509 151797
GU4 7RU 51.25535200 -0.48040500 5 15 506140 151784
GU4 7RX 51.25525800 -0.48095800 2 5 506102 151773
GU4 7RY 51.25442900 -0.48268500 9 16 505983 151678
GU4 7RZ 51.25397200 -0.48212700 11 25 506023 151628
GU4 7SA 51.25524500 -0.48530900 6 13 505798 151765
GU4 7SB 51.25610500 -0.48383900 2 3 505899 151863
GU4 7SD 51.25818900 -0.48420900 8 21 505868 152094
GU4 7SE 51.25577400 -0.48242600 11 22 505998 151828
GU4 7SF 51.25670500 -0.48293100 2 7 505961 151931
GU4 7SG 51.26099700 -0.48295600 4 10 505949 152408
GU4 7SH 51.26742400 -0.48622800 1 4 505706 153118
GU4 7SJ 51.25722900 -0.47188700 N/A N/A 506730 152005
GU4 7SP 51.26421200 -0.54204700 14 39 501819 152682
GU4 7SQ 51.26123800 -0.48296800 2 7 505948 152435
GU4 7SR 51.26434000 -0.54155600 12 35 501853 152697
GU4 7SS 51.26385300 -0.54289000 12 27 501761 152641
GU4 7ST 51.25433500 -0.50406900 18 48 504491 151637
GU4 7SU 51.25568300 -0.50260600 3 41 504590 151789
GU4 7SW 51.26342700 -0.54258800 14 40 501783 152594
GU4 7SX 51.25877900 -0.50345200 7 13 504524 152132
GU4 7SY 51.25946800 -0.50254100 9 24 504586 152210
GU4 7SZ 51.26094200 -0.50107400 32 67 504685 152376
GU4 7TA 51.25993600 -0.50046200 42 105 504730 152265
GU4 7TB 51.26065700 -0.50058200 28 85 504720 152345
GU4 7TD 51.26108600 -0.50383500 15 46 504492 152388
GU4 7TE 51.26265800 -0.50393400 9 17 504482 152563
GU4 7TF 51.26476600 -0.50546500 8 20 504370 152795
GU4 7TG 51.26635600 -0.50477500 17 34 504415 152973
GU4 7TH 51.26687500 -0.50581200 4 8 504341 153029
GU4 7TJ 51.26687200 -0.50554000 14 32 504360 153029
GU4 7TL 51.26946700 -0.50617900 13 39 504310 153317
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