GU4 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU4 7 is a postcode sector in Guildford, UK. Below is a complete list of GU4 7 Postcodes (Active). GU4 7 postcode sector comprises of 308 active postcodes. GU4 7 sector has a population of 10644, and it has 4484 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU4 7 postcode sector

GU4 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10644
Addresses / Property Count 4484
Active Postcodes 308
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of GU4 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-300 of 308 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU4 7TN 51.26543400 -0.50349400 14 35 504506 152872
GU4 7TQ 51.26608600 -0.50672600 19 52 504279 152940
GU4 7TS 51.25875600 -0.54303600 N/A N/A 501762 152074
GU4 7TT 51.25711000 -0.50023800 N/A N/A 504752 151951
GU4 7TU 51.26164100 -0.49943200 N/A N/A 504798 152456
GU4 7TY 51.25086500 -0.52680700 4 10 502912 151219
GU4 7TZ 51.26823700 -0.49699500 11 32 504953 153193
GU4 7UA 51.26533700 -0.49802100 8 31 504888 152869
GU4 7UB 51.26568900 -0.50096300 15 41 504682 152904
GU4 7UD 51.26647500 -0.49561900 12 40 505053 152999
GU4 7UE 51.26788500 -0.49617500 5 15 505011 153155
GU4 7UF 51.26914800 -0.49649200 4 14 504986 153295
GU4 7UG 51.27089900 -0.49698000 11 36 504948 153489
GU4 7UH 51.26874400 -0.50010300 13 29 504735 153245
GU4 7UJ 51.26775600 -0.49943300 16 33 504784 153136
GU4 7UL 51.26752800 -0.50134700 16 43 504651 153108
GU4 7UN 51.26850000 -0.50985900 2 7 504055 153204
GU4 7UP 51.27259200 -0.49863100 3 9 504829 153675
GU4 7UQ 51.27034600 -0.49807300 8 22 504873 153426
GU4 7UR 51.27317200 -0.50529200 7 25 504363 153730
GU4 7UT 51.26801400 -0.50277900 19 42 504550 153160
GU4 7UU 51.27671400 -0.50940700 8 29 504068 154118
GU4 7UW 51.27176600 -0.50647000 16 42 504284 153572
GU4 7UX 51.27861300 -0.50973900 2 4 504041 154329
GU4 7WA 51.25667500 -0.53192400 1 1 502542 151858
GU4 7WE 51.24528300 -0.58233200 N/A N/A 499049 150522
GU4 7XA 51.27628500 -0.51031000 6 18 504006 154069
GU4 7XE 51.25108800 -0.53237400 32 37 502523 151236
GU4 7XG 51.25558900 -0.53492500 10 26 502335 151733
GU4 7XN 51.25180200 -0.53410000 30 84 502401 151313
GU4 7XP 51.25116200 -0.53403400 26 64 502407 151242
GU4 7XQ 51.25624500 -0.53560700 11 25 502286 151805
GU4 7XR 51.25063600 -0.53508300 33 70 502335 151182
GU4 7XS 51.25036600 -0.53436000 23 48 502386 151153
GU4 7XT 51.25037600 -0.53298400 27 53 502482 151156
GU4 7XU 51.25234100 -0.53842400 8 21 502098 151367
GU4 7XW 51.25190500 -0.53233400 18 44 502524 151327
GU4 7XX 51.25256300 -0.53820200 10 16 502113 151392
GU4 7XY 51.25235000 -0.53697700 14 22 502199 151370
GU4 7XZ 51.25184600 -0.53620500 14 24 502254 151315
GU4 7YA 51.25119600 -0.53172600 12 17 502568 151249
GU4 7YD 51.25622100 -0.54883500 7 18 501363 151784
GU4 7YE 51.25950300 -0.55171200 39 125 501155 152145
GU4 7YF 51.25792900 -0.55174700 15 58 501156 151970
GU4 7YG 51.25831500 -0.55240900 16 42 501109 152012
GU4 7YH 51.25794900 -0.55336600 8 24 501043 151970
GU4 7YJ 51.25545600 -0.55320100 15 45 501060 151693
GU4 7YL 51.25747800 -0.55376800 12 33 501016 151917
GU4 7YN 51.25691800 -0.55140700 20 54 501182 151858
GU4 7YQ 51.25757500 -0.55214600 11 29 501129 151930
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