SW15 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW15 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW15 6 Postcodes (Active). SW15 6 postcode sector comprises of 216 active postcodes. SW15 6 sector has a population of 9308, and it has 4280 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW15 6 postcode sector

SW15 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9308
Addresses / Property Count 4280
Active Postcodes 216
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SW15 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 216 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW15 6EH 51.46088600 -0.22232100 30 76 523595 175044
SW15 6EJ 51.45917100 -0.22247400 6 19 523589 174853
SW15 6EL 51.45887300 -0.22062900 60 111 523718 174823
SW15 6EN 51.45832300 -0.21874000 14 23 523851 174765
SW15 6EP 51.45886600 -0.22313300 42 99 523544 174818
SW15 6ER 51.45912300 -0.22341600 4 9 523524 174846
SW15 6ES 51.45904200 -0.21932600 11 23 523808 174844
SW15 6ET 51.46054700 -0.22305400 20 47 523545 175005
SW15 6EU 51.46178500 -0.22289100 15 28 523553 175143
SW15 6EW 51.45839600 -0.22060400 125 205 523721 174770
SW15 6EX 51.45894500 -0.22180600 28 57 523636 174829
SW15 6EZ 51.46213000 -0.22313600 11 26 523535 175181
SW15 6FF 51.46224300 -0.22641400 12 39 523307 175188
SW15 6HD 51.45701900 -0.22052800 4 6 523730 174617
SW15 6HE 51.45682800 -0.22095300 17 29 523701 174595
SW15 6HF 51.45711300 -0.22140200 20 44 523669 174626
SW15 6HG 51.45719100 -0.22769000 10 26 523232 174624
SW15 6HH 51.45758400 -0.23347500 10 24 522829 174658
SW15 6HJ 51.45719500 -0.23392200 22 57 522799 174614
SW15 6HL 51.45810600 -0.23230400 20 45 522909 174718
SW15 6HN 51.45725600 -0.23261000 6 15 522890 174623
SW15 6HP 51.45752700 -0.22855500 6 16 523171 174660
SW15 6HQ 51.45698100 -0.23110900 25 80 522995 174595
SW15 6HR 51.45664300 -0.22065800 8 13 523722 174575
SW15 6HW 51.45744400 -0.23018400 7 18 523058 174648
SW15 6HY 51.46365900 -0.22787100 44 82 523202 175343
SW15 6HZ 51.46365900 -0.22787100 44 83 523202 175343
SW15 6JB 51.46393900 -0.22971700 28 37 523073 175371
SW15 6JD 51.46393900 -0.22971700 24 41 523073 175371
SW15 6JE 51.46366500 -0.23007300 19 36 523049 175340
SW15 6JF 51.46362500 -0.22977200 26 48 523070 175336
SW15 6JG 51.46393900 -0.22971700 28 42 523073 175371
SW15 6JH 51.46390800 -0.23064000 19 39 523009 175366
SW15 6JJ 51.46387100 -0.23120300 10 33 522970 175361
SW15 6JL 51.46441600 -0.23095100 17 52 522986 175422
SW15 6JN 51.46416300 -0.23147900 24 37 522950 175393
SW15 6JP 51.46403400 -0.23301500 4 11 522844 175376
SW15 6JR 51.46463100 -0.23322300 22 52 522828 175442
SW15 6JS 51.46437700 -0.23371700 20 27 522794 175413
SW15 6JT 51.46500200 -0.23403800 28 65 522770 175482
SW15 6JU 51.46443100 -0.23436300 27 48 522749 175418
SW15 6JW 51.46450200 -0.23251700 37 94 522877 175429
SW15 6JY 51.46372200 -0.23023500 32 53 523038 175346
SW15 6LB 51.46515900 -0.23492500 18 34 522708 175498
SW15 6LD 51.46504200 -0.23547600 41 54 522670 175484
SW15 6LE 51.46489800 -0.23607700 63 112 522629 175467
SW15 6LF 51.46555000 -0.23637800 18 32 522606 175539
SW15 6LG 51.46558300 -0.23679400 22 39 522577 175542
SW15 6LH 51.45977300 -0.22541600 17 62 523383 174915
SW15 6LJ 51.46055900 -0.22385900 21 66 523489 175005
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