SW15 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW15 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW15 6 Postcodes (Active). SW15 6 postcode sector comprises of 216 active postcodes. SW15 6 sector has a population of 9308, and it has 4280 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW15 6 postcode sector

SW15 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9308
Addresses / Property Count 4280
Active Postcodes 216
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SW15 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 216 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW15 6RB 51.45557200 -0.21998000 9 33 523772 174457
SW15 6RD 51.45634000 -0.22138900 22 43 523672 174540
SW15 6RE 51.45573300 -0.21994500 7 19 523774 174475
SW15 6RF 51.45588200 -0.22201200 21 49 523630 174488
SW15 6RG 51.45579000 -0.22308000 28 54 523556 174476
SW15 6RH 51.45578100 -0.22607400 12 27 523348 174470
SW15 6RJ 51.45591800 -0.22673600 2 22 523302 174484
SW15 6RL 51.45645000 -0.22688300 6 20 523290 174543
SW15 6RN 51.45661400 -0.22171000 6 22 523649 174570
SW15 6RP 51.45571000 -0.22076600 12 30 523717 174471
SW15 6RQ 51.45604700 -0.22463900 8 30 523447 174502
SW15 6RT 51.45310200 -0.22015300 24 42 523767 174182
SW15 6RU 51.45431600 -0.21955400 16 22 523805 174318
SW15 6RX 51.45401100 -0.21962300 25 47 523801 174284
SW15 6RY 51.45374700 -0.21944600 16 30 523814 174255
SW15 6RZ 51.45349400 -0.21990700 14 23 523783 174226
SW15 6SE 51.46089700 -0.21767600 2 4 523918 175053
SW15 6SG 51.46115500 -0.21924900 14 24 523808 175079
SW15 6SJ 51.46184200 -0.22190900 12 25 523621 175151
SW15 6SN 51.46234800 -0.22325700 24 54 523526 175205
SW15 6SP 51.46275400 -0.22624100 21 42 523318 175245
SW15 6SQ 51.46160900 -0.22071400 9 13 523705 175127
SW15 6SS 51.46282800 -0.22759200 30 57 523224 175251
SW15 6ST 51.46295100 -0.22923700 38 71 523109 175262
SW15 6SU 51.46331400 -0.23120100 13 29 522972 175299
SW15 6SW 51.46245500 -0.22434700 10 31 523450 175215
SW15 6SX 51.46335100 -0.23189900 24 42 522923 175302
SW15 6SY 51.46124900 -0.22135700 64 122 523661 175086
SW15 6TD 51.46118700 -0.21783700 14 27 523906 175085
SW15 6TG 51.46145600 -0.21898800 32 64 523825 175113
SW15 6TH 51.46203700 -0.22105800 11 23 523680 175174
SW15 6TJ 51.46217600 -0.22136400 12 22 523658 175189
SW15 6TL 51.46288800 -0.22321300 33 83 523528 175265
SW15 6TN 51.46315100 -0.22578900 14 22 523348 175290
SW15 6TP 51.46309300 -0.22615100 40 66 523323 175283
SW15 6TQ 51.46167900 -0.21999200 20 39 523755 175136
SW15 6TR 51.46309300 -0.22615100 40 59 523323 175283
SW15 6TS 51.46327900 -0.22712300 34 75 523255 175302
SW15 6TT 51.46049700 -0.21854100 N/A N/A 523859 175007
SW15 6TW 51.46309300 -0.22615100 39 65 523323 175283
SW15 6UA 51.46387700 -0.23398100 32 46 522777 175357
SW15 6UB 51.46372400 -0.23338200 14 32 522819 175341
SW15 6UD 51.46270100 -0.23353700 19 59 522811 175227
SW15 6UE 51.46339900 -0.23267500 18 36 522869 175306
SW15 6UF 51.46191000 -0.23173000 31 72 522939 175142
SW15 6UG 51.46227800 -0.23289100 24 66 522857 175181
SW15 6UH 51.46178500 -0.23122600 24 67 522974 175129
SW15 6UJ 51.46381900 -0.23369500 11 26 522797 175351
SW15 6UP 51.46005500 -0.22979500 20 62 523078 174939
SW15 6UQ 51.46142300 -0.23286600 10 43 522861 175086
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