SW15 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW15 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW15 6 Postcodes (Active). SW15 6 postcode sector comprises of 216 active postcodes. SW15 6 sector has a population of 9308, and it has 4280 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW15 6 postcode sector

SW15 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9308
Addresses / Property Count 4280
Active Postcodes 216
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SW15 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 216 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW15 6LL 51.46045900 -0.22494800 34 87 523414 174992
SW15 6LN 51.46046700 -0.22612300 33 92 523332 174991
SW15 6LP 51.46038200 -0.22762400 25 51 523228 174979
SW15 6LR 51.45949200 -0.22883800 23 59 523146 174878
SW15 6LS 51.45909600 -0.22878700 10 31 523151 174834
SW15 6LT 51.45925100 -0.22714900 7 24 523264 174854
SW15 6LU 51.45939500 -0.22538700 17 42 523386 174873
SW15 6LW 51.46042000 -0.22719000 18 48 523258 174984
SW15 6NE 51.46193900 -0.22418000 65 155 523463 175158
SW15 6NF 51.46249600 -0.22531000 24 64 523383 175218
SW15 6NG 51.46202800 -0.22586100 19 61 523346 175165
SW15 6NH 51.46217900 -0.22690600 24 55 523273 175180
SW15 6NJ 51.46151300 -0.22750800 7 19 523233 175105
SW15 6NL 51.46210500 -0.22857900 50 137 523157 175169
SW15 6NN 51.46038400 -0.22834300 18 54 523178 174978
SW15 6NP 51.46117700 -0.21776600 N/A N/A 523911 175084
SW15 6NQ 51.46160400 -0.22638100 9 20 523311 175117
SW15 6NW 51.46022200 -0.22892500 12 39 523138 174959
SW15 6NX 51.46117100 -0.22507900 20 63 523403 175071
SW15 6NY 51.46119900 -0.22753400 24 61 523232 175070
SW15 6NZ 51.46064300 -0.23003200 18 50 523060 175004
SW15 6PA 51.45993800 -0.23158500 8 21 522954 174923
SW15 6PB 51.45971100 -0.23086000 6 15 523005 174899
SW15 6PD 51.45822100 -0.23101800 9 32 522998 174733
SW15 6PE 51.45794300 -0.23163800 14 42 522956 174701
SW15 6PF 51.45964800 -0.23204200 17 49 522923 174890
SW15 6PG 51.45993800 -0.23274200 11 23 522874 174921
SW15 6PH 51.45977300 -0.23372700 9 21 522806 174901
SW15 6PJ 51.45958000 -0.23405100 11 33 522784 174879
SW15 6PQ 51.45974500 -0.23306600 11 29 522852 174899
SW15 6PT 51.46377100 -0.23470500 3 7 522727 175344
SW15 6PU 51.46320200 -0.23572000 34 67 522658 175279
SW15 6PX 51.46316700 -0.23462700 9 22 522734 175277
SW15 6PY 51.46178300 -0.23405300 3 9 522778 175124
SW15 6PZ 51.46126800 -0.23446100 24 53 522751 175066
SW15 6QB 51.46120400 -0.23383900 7 19 522794 175060
SW15 6QD 51.46086500 -0.23283000 6 17 522865 175024
SW15 6QE 51.46047300 -0.23307600 2 7 522849 174980
SW15 6QF 51.46095000 -0.23071100 7 14 523012 175037
SW15 6QG 51.46210100 -0.22952900 36 81 523091 175167
SW15 6QH 51.46054300 -0.23228700 16 22 522904 174989
SW15 6QJ 51.46011200 -0.23419800 21 51 522772 174938
SW15 6QL 51.46289000 -0.23052100 24 48 523020 175253
SW15 6QP 51.45521800 -0.21915900 27 45 523830 174419
SW15 6QQ 51.46160700 -0.23012900 40 81 523051 175111
SW15 6QR 51.45462900 -0.21944100 27 60 523812 174353
SW15 6QU 51.45810600 -0.21861900 36 49 523860 174741
SW15 6QY 51.45688700 -0.21949700 34 71 523802 174604
SW15 6QZ 51.45640000 -0.22062400 18 27 523725 174548
SW15 6RA 51.45614400 -0.21977000 19 39 523785 174521
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