SW15 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW15 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW15 6 Postcodes (Active). SW15 6 postcode sector comprises of 216 active postcodes. SW15 6 sector has a population of 9308, and it has 4280 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW15 6 postcode sector

SW15 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9308
Addresses / Property Count 4280
Active Postcodes 216
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SW15 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-216 of 216 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW15 6UR 51.45930400 -0.23066500 19 49 523020 174854
SW15 6UT 51.45892500 -0.23055900 13 34 523028 174812
SW15 6UU 51.45824900 -0.22929000 23 78 523118 174739
SW15 6UX 51.45811300 -0.22982700 6 10 523081 174723
SW15 6UY 51.45681300 -0.22946000 8 31 523110 174579
SW15 6UZ 51.45650100 -0.23144400 32 79 522973 174541
SW15 6XA 51.45565100 -0.23291700 N/A N/A 522873 174444
SW15 6XB 51.45589500 -0.23179900 16 21 522950 174473
SW15 6XD 51.45615000 -0.23140000 16 20 522977 174502
SW15 6XE 51.45631500 -0.22926400 33 33 523125 174524
SW15 6XF 51.45653500 -0.22834800 11 34 523188 174550
SW15 6XG 51.45590900 -0.22799800 40 60 523214 174481
SW15 6XP 51.46409400 -0.23522500 33 69 522690 175379
SW15 6XQ 51.45518200 -0.22807000 15 44 523211 174400
SW15 6XR 51.46370200 -0.23549900 13 24 522672 175335
SW15 6ZE 51.46049600 -0.21856400 N/A N/A 523857 175007
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