YO24 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO24 4 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO24 4 Postcodes (Active). YO24 4 postcode sector comprises of 196 active postcodes. YO24 4 sector has a population of 7918, and it has 3714 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO24 4 postcode sector

YO24 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7918
Addresses / Property Count 3714
Active Postcodes 196
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of YO24 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 196 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO24 4DS 53.95083700 -1.10518500 18 41 458822 450897
YO24 4DT 53.95131300 -1.10389500 11 27 458906 450951
YO24 4DU 53.95089400 -1.10443700 17 39 458871 450904
YO24 4DW 53.95299600 -1.10302700 14 29 458961 451139
YO24 4DX 53.95039600 -1.10507300 11 23 458830 450848
YO24 4DY 53.94995300 -1.10604200 17 39 458767 450798
YO24 4DZ 53.94964400 -1.10673400 18 38 458722 450763
YO24 4EA 53.94914600 -1.10740000 39 102 458679 450707
YO24 4EB 53.95030000 -1.10674200 25 70 458721 450836
YO24 4ED 53.95093300 -1.10599700 34 88 458769 450907
YO24 4EE 53.95148800 -1.10579600 13 30 458781 450969
YO24 4EF 53.95217000 -1.10439500 27 58 458872 451046
YO24 4EG 53.95161700 -1.10497000 8 11 458835 450984
YO24 4EH 53.95665400 -1.10301900 N/A N/A 458956 451546
YO24 4EJ 53.95351200 -1.09876500 6 19 459240 451200
YO24 4EL 53.95457800 -1.09468200 N/A N/A 459506 451322
YO24 4EN 53.95537500 -1.10749600 4 8 458664 451400
YO24 4EP 53.95529200 -1.11085700 16 30 458444 451388
YO24 4EQ 53.95272800 -1.10452000 13 37 458863 451108
YO24 4ER 53.95568600 -1.11311300 5 12 458295 451430
YO24 4ES 53.95468600 -1.11394800 29 51 458242 451318
YO24 4ET 53.95402400 -1.11563800 28 66 458132 451243
YO24 4EU 53.95479600 -1.11547000 27 55 458142 451329
YO24 4EW 53.95575000 -1.10840200 27 61 458604 451441
YO24 4EX 53.95531600 -1.11536700 1 3 458148 451387
YO24 4EY 53.95577600 -1.11558000 14 28 458133 451438
YO24 4EZ 53.95643200 -1.11546600 20 41 458140 451511
YO24 4FA 53.94560000 -1.12027400 N/A N/A 457839 450302
YO24 4HA 53.95591100 -1.11674100 32 113 458057 451452
YO24 4HD 53.95592100 -1.11940800 3 7 457882 451451
YO24 4HE 53.95496200 -1.11852900 16 36 457941 451345
YO24 4HF 53.95491200 -1.11909400 13 35 457904 451339
YO24 4HG 53.95351200 -1.11929100 10 20 457893 451183
YO24 4HH 53.95302800 -1.11957600 11 28 457875 451129
YO24 4HJ 53.95195400 -1.11888200 4 13 457922 451010
YO24 4HL 53.95202000 -1.11929200 15 36 457895 451017
YO24 4HN 53.95228200 -1.11823500 6 17 457964 451047
YO24 4HP 53.95406600 -1.11760300 25 60 458003 451246
YO24 4HQ 53.95448000 -1.12014000 25 64 457836 451290
YO24 4HR 53.95457100 -1.11792800 26 61 457981 451302
YO24 4HS 53.95546700 -1.11998200 54 62 457845 451400
YO24 4HT 53.95613000 -1.11717900 51 87 458028 451476
YO24 4HU 53.95697500 -1.11722200 19 40 458024 451570
YO24 4HW 53.95266900 -1.11720600 11 24 458031 451091
YO24 4HX 53.95385900 -1.10669700 N/A N/A 458719 451232
YO24 4HZ 53.95464700 -1.10625300 18 21 458747 451320
YO24 4JA 53.95437500 -1.10962000 43 101 458526 451287
YO24 4JB 53.95330000 -1.11012200 7 11 458495 451167
YO24 4JD 53.95278900 -1.11022400 23 60 458489 451110
YO24 4JE 53.95444400 -1.10922300 45 90 458552 451295
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