YO24 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO24 4 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO24 4 Postcodes (Active). YO24 4 postcode sector comprises of 196 active postcodes. YO24 4 sector has a population of 7918, and it has 3714 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO24 4 postcode sector

YO24 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7918
Addresses / Property Count 3714
Active Postcodes 196
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of YO24 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-196 of 196 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO24 4PB 53.95021600 -1.11603200 16 25 458111 450819
YO24 4PD 53.95039500 -1.11474900 15 44 458195 450840
YO24 4PE 53.95227800 -1.11413600 35 78 458233 451050
YO24 4PF 53.95240600 -1.11556600 17 42 458139 451063
YO24 4PG 53.95172000 -1.11522300 21 46 458162 450987
YO24 4PH 53.95204400 -1.11651800 12 25 458077 451022
YO24 4PJ 53.95167600 -1.11901000 15 47 457914 450979
YO24 4PL 53.95125900 -1.11854600 16 36 457945 450933
YO24 4PN 53.95007800 -1.11925700 24 57 457900 450801
YO24 4PP 53.95032300 -1.11838300 30 83 457957 450829
YO24 4PQ 53.95117600 -1.11707900 28 52 458041 450925
YO24 4PR 53.95223100 -1.12108600 30 58 457777 451039
YO24 4PS 53.95033500 -1.12004400 29 74 457848 450829
YO24 4PW 53.95039000 -1.11774200 23 56 457999 450837
YO24 4QA 53.94969300 -1.12200100 12 27 457720 450756
YO24 4QB 53.94680900 -1.12212900 60 136 457716 450435
YO24 4QD 53.94589700 -1.12150200 21 36 457758 450334
YO24 4QE 53.94643300 -1.12104000 16 32 457788 450394
YO24 4QF 53.94650000 -1.12039200 12 15 457830 450402
YO24 4QG 53.94641500 -1.11977600 20 35 457871 450393
YO24 4QH 53.94590500 -1.12013000 12 15 457848 450336
YO24 4QJ 53.94582000 -1.11961400 4 6 457882 450327
YO24 4QL 53.94589900 -1.11935300 12 18 457899 450336
YO24 4QN 53.94626300 -1.11867500 32 43 457943 450377
YO24 4QP 53.94681800 -1.11842000 15 20 457959 450439
YO24 4QQ 53.94585700 -1.12103000 16 33 457789 450330
YO24 4QR 53.94724900 -1.11949900 20 42 457888 450486
YO24 4QS 53.94736600 -1.11840800 9 14 457959 450500
YO24 4QT 53.94773300 -1.11815700 22 32 457975 450541
YO24 4QU 53.94768600 -1.11906400 23 54 457916 450535
YO24 4QX 53.94687800 -1.12039100 9 18 457830 450444
YO24 4QY 53.94746500 -1.12081400 52 83 457801 450509
YO24 4QZ 53.94806900 -1.12109700 5 32 457782 450576
YO24 4RA 53.94857900 -1.12076000 26 30 457803 450633
YO24 4RB 53.94729900 -1.12152500 17 36 457755 450490
YO24 4RD 53.94923000 -1.12128600 53 105 457768 450705
YO24 4RF 53.94788100 -1.11876300 6 8 457935 450557
YO24 4TT 53.95624000 -1.10784300 32 74 458640 451496
YO24 4WX 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4YB 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4YE 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4YN 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4YP 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4YR 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4YS 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
YO24 4ZH 53.96043000 -1.09233600 N/A N/A 459652 451975
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