YO24 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO24 4 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO24 4 Postcodes (Active). YO24 4 postcode sector comprises of 196 active postcodes. YO24 4 sector has a population of 7918, and it has 3714 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO24 4 postcode sector

YO24 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7918
Addresses / Property Count 3714
Active Postcodes 196
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of YO24 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 196 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO24 4JF 53.95435000 -1.10868200 45 102 458588 451285
YO24 4JG 53.95422200 -1.10837400 54 114 458608 451271
YO24 4JH 53.95480700 -1.10734100 36 58 458675 451337
YO24 4JJ 53.95310400 -1.10787100 48 105 458643 451147
YO24 4JL 53.95329500 -1.10821100 45 110 458620 451168
YO24 4JN 53.95236100 -1.10949600 21 39 458537 451063
YO24 4JP 53.95148700 -1.10799700 9 25 458637 450967
YO24 4JQ 53.95483700 -1.10769000 14 24 458652 451340
YO24 4JR 53.95076900 -1.10816500 33 81 458627 450887
YO24 4JS 53.95066800 -1.10784700 11 30 458648 450876
YO24 4JT 53.95012800 -1.10902500 4 5 458571 450815
YO24 4JU 53.94973200 -1.11007000 15 39 458503 450770
YO24 4JW 53.95187600 -1.10840900 6 12 458609 451010
YO24 4JX 53.94974800 -1.10871300 7 13 458592 450773
YO24 4JY 53.95084300 -1.10960400 37 93 458532 450894
YO24 4JZ 53.94963400 -1.11148900 8 20 458410 450758
YO24 4LA 53.95069400 -1.11012500 42 115 458498 450877
YO24 4LB 53.95148100 -1.10962700 4 10 458530 450965
YO24 4LD 53.95191600 -1.11006900 14 26 458500 451013
YO24 4LE 53.95108800 -1.11124400 29 69 458424 450920
YO24 4LF 53.95481300 -1.10682900 8 11 458709 451338
YO24 4LH 53.95600600 -1.12727000 31 51 457366 451454
YO24 4LJ 53.95616300 -1.12666600 N/A N/A 457405 451472
YO24 4LL 53.95572200 -1.12413700 N/A N/A 457572 451425
YO24 4LN 53.95575900 -1.12312400 1 2 457638 451430
YO24 4LT 53.95496800 -1.12422200 4 9 457567 451341
YO24 4LU 53.95638200 -1.12094700 5 12 457780 451501
YO24 4LW 53.95595300 -1.12123600 29 67 457762 451453
YO24 4LX 53.95823200 -1.12193500 35 82 457713 451706
YO24 4LY 53.95837900 -1.12243500 35 75 457680 451722
YO24 4LZ 53.95619000 -1.12298400 11 31 457647 451478
YO24 4NB 53.95502400 -1.12332200 43 87 457626 451348
YO24 4ND 53.95532800 -1.12313900 21 45 457638 451382
YO24 4NE 53.95560500 -1.12164900 15 28 457735 451414
YO24 4NF 53.95507300 -1.12140100 9 16 457752 451355
YO24 4NG 53.95479700 -1.12302200 45 94 457646 451323
YO24 4NH 53.95439000 -1.12260400 45 87 457674 451278
YO24 4NJ 53.95427100 -1.12236200 48 95 457690 451265
YO24 4NL 53.95538200 -1.12072400 30 57 457796 451390
YO24 4NP 53.95499600 -1.12808400 9 15 457314 451341
YO24 4NQ 53.95464300 -1.12291800 44 96 457653 451306
YO24 4NR 53.95514900 -1.12686100 3 6 457394 451359
YO24 4NS 53.95336700 -1.11314700 29 72 458296 451172
YO24 4NT 53.95457100 -1.11062200 23 62 458460 451308
YO24 4NU 53.95265700 -1.11070000 17 46 458458 451095
YO24 4NW 53.95569300 -1.12758100 21 32 457346 451419
YO24 4NX 53.95164700 -1.11258900 17 32 458335 450981
YO24 4NY 53.95198500 -1.11461500 23 48 458202 451017
YO24 4NZ 53.95111100 -1.11548700 18 40 458146 450919
YO24 4PA 53.95080900 -1.11603500 30 49 458110 450885
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