HP22 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP22 5 is a postcode sector in Buckinghamshire, UK. Below is a complete list of HP22 5 Postcodes (Active). HP22 5 postcode sector comprises of 391 active postcodes. HP22 5 sector has a population of 13429, and it has 5251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP22 5 postcode sector

HP22 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13429
Addresses / Property Count 5251
Active Postcodes 391
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 350-391 of 391 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP22 5XS 51.75859900 -0.81047300 27 63 482198 207326
HP22 5XT 51.76335200 -0.81460800 1 2 481904 207850
HP22 5XU 51.79235900 -0.78224300 21 49 484084 211113
HP22 5XW 51.80731200 -0.77020800 N/A N/A 484886 212790
HP22 5XX 51.81072100 -0.72967200 N/A N/A 487674 213217
HP22 5XY 51.79321500 -0.78248100 23 60 484066 211208
HP22 5XZ 51.79143300 -0.78147100 11 32 484139 211011
HP22 5YA 51.77566100 -0.80775500 3 5 482355 209227
HP22 5YB 51.77258300 -0.79593600 14 34 483176 208898
HP22 5YD 51.80000700 -0.72241300 3 6 488195 212034
HP22 5YE 51.79593300 -0.78251900 16 33 484058 211510
HP22 5YF 51.80232800 -0.73012500 N/A N/A 487659 212283
HP22 5YG 51.79424300 -0.75860000 N/A N/A 485711 211350
HP22 5YH 51.78901800 -0.78524800 22 62 483883 210738
HP22 5YJ 51.78954100 -0.78453800 7 20 483931 210797
HP22 5YL 51.78932800 -0.75536600 13 32 485943 210807
HP22 5YN 51.78888800 -0.75458100 28 67 485998 210759
HP22 5YP 51.78904900 -0.75533000 8 18 485946 210776
HP22 5YQ 51.80781100 -0.77142700 N/A N/A 484801 212844
HP22 5YR 51.78943700 -0.78323600 19 56 484021 210787
HP22 5YS 51.78764800 -0.78580700 4 9 483847 210585
HP22 5YT 51.80018800 -0.73831700 8 11 487098 212035
HP22 5YU 51.79207700 -0.75361300 3 8 486059 211115
HP22 5YW 51.78893700 -0.75581200 8 14 485913 210763
HP22 5YX 51.78462200 -0.76292300 N/A N/A 485431 210275
HP22 5YY 51.78388800 -0.76242100 N/A N/A 485467 210194
HP22 5YZ 51.80715500 -0.76890700 N/A N/A 484976 212774
HP22 5ZA 51.79256300 -0.75535400 N/A N/A 485938 211167
HP22 5ZB 51.79593700 -0.78035800 35 240 484207 211513
HP22 5ZD 51.80625900 -0.76752400 N/A N/A 485073 212676
HP22 5ZE 51.79638800 -0.78218700 19 37 484080 211561
HP22 5ZF 51.80360600 -0.72437500 N/A N/A 488053 212432
HP22 5ZG 51.80728400 -0.77180400 N/A N/A 484776 212785
HP22 5ZJ 51.80720700 -0.76783200 N/A N/A 485050 212781
HP22 5ZN 51.78163800 -0.79252100 N/A N/A 483395 209909
HP22 5ZP 51.80677300 -0.76762600 N/A N/A 485065 212733
HP22 5ZQ 51.79994100 -0.72724800 N/A N/A 487862 212021
HP22 5ZU 51.78207000 -0.79249400 N/A N/A 483396 209957
HP22 5ZW 51.80387500 -0.72187300 N/A N/A 488225 212465
HP22 5ZX 51.79288100 -0.75480900 N/A N/A 485975 211203
HP22 5ZZ 51.77822100 -0.77160700 N/A N/A 484844 209553
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