HP22 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP22 5 is a postcode sector in Buckinghamshire, UK. Below is a complete list of HP22 5 Postcodes (Active). HP22 5 postcode sector comprises of 391 active postcodes. HP22 5 sector has a population of 13429, and it has 5251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP22 5 postcode sector

HP22 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13429
Addresses / Property Count 5251
Active Postcodes 391
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 100-150 of 391 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP22 5GB 51.79861000 -0.71224300 37 111 488899 211891
HP22 5GD 51.80261700 -0.72945000 2 4 487705 212316
HP22 5GE 51.80313000 -0.72603700 11 26 487939 212377
HP22 5GF 51.76957200 -0.72921400 15 42 487785 208641
HP22 5GG 51.80349200 -0.72799000 2 6 487804 212415
HP22 5GH 51.78371100 -0.73626800 12 22 487271 210205
HP22 5GJ 51.78837400 -0.75785700 7 20 485773 210698
HP22 5GL 51.79622100 -0.71096600 N/A N/A 488992 211627
HP22 5GN 51.80816600 -0.75904500 N/A N/A 485654 212898
HP22 5GP 51.76873300 -0.72810700 3 12 487863 208549
HP22 5GQ 51.80335900 -0.72815300 2 6 487793 212400
HP22 5GR 51.76954700 -0.72359200 3 6 488173 208645
HP22 5GS 51.76931200 -0.72423600 5 21 488129 208618
HP22 5GT 51.78737400 -0.79509300 N/A N/A 483207 210544
HP22 5GU 51.76899700 -0.72836100 42 103 487845 208578
HP22 5GW 51.79955500 -0.72056900 24 48 488323 211986
HP22 5GX 51.78204500 -0.77363400 N/A N/A 484697 209976
HP22 5GY 51.76917500 -0.72247200 N/A N/A 488251 208605
HP22 5GZ 51.80096500 -0.73879300 N/A N/A 487064 212121
HP22 5HA 51.80309500 -0.72777900 21 51 487819 212371
HP22 5HB 51.80213500 -0.72874800 30 81 487754 212263
HP22 5HD 51.80264000 -0.72729800 24 65 487853 212321
HP22 5HE 51.76963100 -0.72799500 7 21 487869 208649
HP22 5HF 51.83211500 -0.78433000 3 7 483866 215532
HP22 5HG 51.80101200 -0.72973700 26 71 487688 212137
HP22 5HH 51.80132700 -0.72738300 30 66 487850 212175
HP22 5HJ 51.79985000 -0.72633700 2 3 487925 212012
HP22 5HL 51.79969300 -0.72417600 10 25 488074 211997
HP22 5HN 51.79992900 -0.72354600 19 52 488117 212024
HP22 5HP 51.79954900 -0.72162800 0 2 488250 211984
HP22 5HQ 51.80173300 -0.73151500 19 55 487564 212215
HP22 5HR 51.79956500 -0.71978600 4 8 488377 211988
HP22 5HS 51.79880500 -0.71776300 28 64 488518 211906
HP22 5HT 51.79889000 -0.71729600 4 9 488550 211916
HP22 5HU 51.80318900 -0.71501800 13 42 488699 212397
HP22 5HW 51.80013700 -0.72607800 3 7 487942 212044
HP22 5HX 51.80321500 -0.71243500 15 36 488877 212403
HP22 5HY 51.80585800 -0.71557500 32 73 488655 212693
HP22 5HZ 51.80806000 -0.71640200 25 75 488594 212937
HP22 5JA 51.81869800 -0.72558900 N/A N/A 487940 214109
HP22 5JB 51.80342100 -0.71639900 8 23 488603 212421
HP22 5JD 51.80258500 -0.72049800 43 113 488322 212323
HP22 5JE 51.80083400 -0.72244700 39 112 488191 212126
HP22 5JF 51.80101800 -0.72113700 6 17 488281 212148
HP22 5JG 51.80014500 -0.72020400 5 11 488347 212052
HP22 5JH 51.80059000 -0.72316500 4 10 488142 212098
HP22 5JJ 51.80101300 -0.72396500 15 39 488086 212144
HP22 5JL 51.79899700 -0.72381900 5 15 488100 211920
HP22 5JN 51.80096800 -0.71661800 12 14 488593 212148
HP22 5JP 51.80217500 -0.71673900 20 49 488582 212282
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