HP22 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP22 5 is a postcode sector in Buckinghamshire, UK. Below is a complete list of HP22 5 Postcodes (Active). HP22 5 postcode sector comprises of 391 active postcodes. HP22 5 sector has a population of 13429, and it has 5251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP22 5 postcode sector

HP22 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13429
Addresses / Property Count 5251
Active Postcodes 391
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

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showing 250-300 of 391 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP22 5RR 51.78968400 -0.76273600 43 83 485434 210838
HP22 5RS 51.79218500 -0.75535000 4 11 485939 211125
HP22 5RT 51.79224200 -0.75038500 12 36 486281 211137
HP22 5RU 51.79325500 -0.75176300 14 21 486184 211248
HP22 5RW 51.79071300 -0.76071200 13 31 485572 210955
HP22 5RX 51.78270800 -0.76030300 39 108 485615 210065
HP22 5RY 51.78899100 -0.75665100 5 10 485855 210768
HP22 5RZ 51.78437200 -0.76122900 9 18 485548 210249
HP22 5SA 51.78539000 -0.76245300 18 46 485462 210361
HP22 5SB 51.78691700 -0.76376900 11 25 485368 210529
HP22 5SD 51.78871400 -0.76372000 8 12 485368 210729
HP22 5SE 51.78657400 -0.76199500 15 41 485491 210493
HP22 5SF 51.78751000 -0.76123000 37 91 485542 210598
HP22 5SG 51.78654800 -0.76031400 24 49 485607 210492
HP22 5SH 51.78406200 -0.75587800 7 16 485918 210221
HP22 5SJ 51.78730000 -0.75662500 28 75 485860 210580
HP22 5SL 51.78886700 -0.75684300 31 86 485842 210754
HP22 5SN 51.79033800 -0.75819500 18 43 485746 210916
HP22 5SP 51.79074200 -0.75729900 11 18 485807 210962
HP22 5SQ 51.78564300 -0.75977300 12 42 485646 210392
HP22 5SR 51.79000300 -0.75649800 24 64 485864 210881
HP22 5SS 51.78695600 -0.75986800 15 39 485637 210538
HP22 5ST 51.78735600 -0.75849400 15 34 485731 210584
HP22 5SU 51.78745100 -0.75557700 5 13 485932 210598
HP22 5SW 51.78976300 -0.75912400 11 23 485683 210851
HP22 5SX 51.77947500 -0.77180000 N/A N/A 484828 209692
HP22 5SY 51.79510500 -0.70347200 N/A N/A 489511 211512
HP22 5SZ 51.79748300 -0.78481700 2 7 483897 211680
HP22 5TA 51.76919100 -0.72387700 N/A N/A 488154 208605
HP22 5TB 51.78060000 -0.77470300 N/A N/A 484626 209814
HP22 5TD 51.79327200 -0.78184200 28 83 484110 211215
HP22 5TE 51.79267300 -0.78048000 31 76 484205 211150
HP22 5TF 51.78914900 -0.77886500 10 31 484323 210760
HP22 5TG 51.78806700 -0.77763200 46 126 484410 210641
HP22 5TH 51.78837800 -0.76522700 3 6 485265 210690
HP22 5TJ 51.78377300 -0.77351000 29 65 484702 210168
HP22 5TL 51.79578700 -0.70405800 17 44 489469 211587
HP22 5TN 51.77932100 -0.76672100 19 47 485179 209681
HP22 5TP 51.79888900 -0.72310100 N/A N/A 488150 211909
HP22 5TQ 51.78631400 -0.77421500 35 91 484649 210450
HP22 5TR 51.77794400 -0.76580200 5 17 485245 209529
HP22 5TS 51.78844000 -0.76602300 9 26 485210 210696
HP22 5TT 51.78974700 -0.76530100 14 39 485257 210842
HP22 5TU 51.78484700 -0.79212500 5 7 483416 210266
HP22 5TW 51.78636800 -0.78727600 23 53 483748 210441
HP22 5TX 51.78816300 -0.78153900 22 71 484140 210647
HP22 5TY 51.78855500 -0.78054800 21 61 484208 210692
HP22 5TZ 51.78717200 -0.78916300 8 9 483616 210528
HP22 5UA 51.78981300 -0.78108900 25 75 484168 210831
HP22 5UB 51.78960600 -0.78018100 31 57 484231 210809
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